Raymond Chandler (23 Jul 1888 - 26 Mar 1959)

Male Person - United States US novelist & screenwriter

Releases (6)


Other - Spokenword

  1. Nevada-Gas 2002 audio play

Recordings by (37)

  1. Teil 1 4:51 (2002)
  2. Teil 2 6:21 (2002)
  3. Teil 3 7:58 (2002)
  4. Teil 4 7:31 (2002)
  5. Teil 5 5:07 (2002)
  6. Teil 6 8:39 (2002)
  7. Teil 7 2:04 (2002)
  8. Teil 8 8:40 (2002)
  9. Teil 9 7:04 (2002)
  10. Track 10 1:55 (2011)
  11. Track 8 6:23 (2011)
  12. Track 9 7:15 (2011)
  13. Track 1 3:54 (2011)
  14. Track 3 3:50 (2011)
  15. Track 4 4:09 (2011)
  16. Track 2 8:57 (2011)
  17. Track 5 10:04 (2011)
  18. Track 6 7:16 (2011)
  19. Track 7 0:37 (2011)
  20. Track 06 2:37 (2011)
  21. Track 13 1:55 (2011)
  22. Track 14 3:00 (2011)
  23. Track 15 3:01 (2011)
  24. Track 16 2:45 (2011)
  25. Track 17 2:58 (2011)
  26. Track 18 2:11 (2011)
  27. Track 19 0:49 (2011)
  28. Track 01 6:57 (2011)
  29. Track 02 4:51 (2011)
  30. Track 03 5:28 (2011)
  31. Track 04 3:44 (2011)
  32. Track 05 5:33 (2011)
  33. Track 07 4:06 (2011)
  34. Track 08 4:07 (2011)
  35. Track 09 5:37 (2011)
  36. Track 11 4:05 (2011)
  37. Track 12 3:52 (2011)

Credited as (6)

  1. Raymond Chandler gelesen von Günter Lamprecht
  2. Raymond Chandler gelesen von Christian Brückner
  3. Raymond Chandler gelesen von Gert Heidenreich
  4. Raymond Chandler
  5. Raymond Chandler starring Toby Stephens as Philip Marlowe
  6. Professor Jeffrey Richards talks about Raymond Chandler

Works (10)


  1. Gefahr ist mein Geschäft ( - 1939)
  2. Goldfish
  3. Zierfische
  4. Spanish Blood
  5. Spanisches Blut
  6. The Long Good-Bye
  7. Der lange Abschied
  8. Der große Schlaf
  9. The Big Sleep
  10. Trouble Is My Business ( - 1939)

Links (14)

Other Databases

  1. https://nla.gov.au/nla.party-800736
  2. https://openlibrary.org/works/OL2632008A
  3. https://d-nb.info/gnd/118520059
  4. https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/raymond_chandler
  5. https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb11896014p
  6. https://www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n79113919
  7. http://snaccooperative.org/ark:/99166/w6tt519w
  8. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n79113919


  1. https://www.last.fm/music/Raymond%20Chandler


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/467590


  1. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0001758275


  1. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0151452/


  1. http://viaf.org/viaf/39374901


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q180377