Felix Klopotek (1974 - )

Male Person - Germany producer, journalist, author

On Recordings (50)


  1. Solar Night 7:03 Hugh Davies (Nov 2001)
  2. Shozyg I 4:28 Hugh Davies (Nov 2001)
  3. Shozyg Sequence no. 3 19:17 Hugh Davies (Nov 2001)
  4. Porcupine 5:15 Hugh Davies (Nov 2001)
  5. Music for a Single Spring (version 2) 6:46 Hugh Davies (Nov 2001)
  6. Lunar Day 4:13 Hugh Davies (Nov 2001)
  7. Music for a Single Spring (version 1) 8:54 Hugh Davies (Nov 2001)
  8. Es 6:39 Werner Dafeldecker & Boris D Hegenbart (2001)
  9. Se 7:55 Werner Dafeldecker & Boris D Hegenbart (2001)
  10. Ie 2:17 Werner Dafeldecker & Boris D Hegenbart (2001)
  11. Is 4:44 Werner Dafeldecker & Boris D Hegenbart (2001)
  12. E.I. 8:11 Werner Dafeldecker & Boris D Hegenbart (2001)
  13. Si 9:21 Werner Dafeldecker & Boris D Hegenbart (2001)
  14. 9 5:53 Werner Dafeldecker & Boris D Hegenbart (2001)
  15. Beggar's Lice 2:54 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  16. Bachelors's Buttons 1:02 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  17. Itchgrass 5:30 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  18. Herb Twopence 3:34 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  19. Common Cleavers 1:55 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  20. Nodding Spurge 1:02 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  21. Loosestrife 3:22 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  22. Fairy Cheeses 1:41 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  23. Cuckoo's Stockings 1:20 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  24. Wormleaf 3:27 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  25. Sticky Willie 3:22 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  26. Sauce Alone 1:54 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  27. Joyweed 2:36 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  28. Caper Spurge 3:48 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  29. Dead Men's Bells 3:14 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  30. Nodding Thistle 2:43 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  31. Spangletop 0:55 John Butcher & Phil Minton (May 2002)
  32. Appointment 7:54 Derek Bailey & Franz Hautzinger (2002)
  33. Talk 15:36 Derek Bailey & Franz Hautzinger (2002)
  34. Good B 0:46 Derek Bailey & Franz Hautzinger (2002)
  35. Weather 5:27 Derek Bailey & Franz Hautzinger (2002)
  36. Cricket 11:50 Derek Bailey & Franz Hautzinger (2002)
  37. Contracts 4:39 Derek Bailey & Franz Hautzinger (2002)
  38. Details 4:00 Derek Bailey & Franz Hautzinger (2002)
  39. Tea 5:56 Derek Bailey & Franz Hautzinger (2002)
  40. The Vietnamese Driver 4:20 Derek Bailey & Franz Hautzinger (2002)
  41. Krautrock 5:09 Derek Bailey & Franz Hautzinger (2002)
  42. Out 147 1:19 Derek Bailey & Franz Hautzinger (2002)
  43. Part 1 26:02 Borg, Brötzmann, Parker, Rashid Bakr (19 May 2003)
  44. The Cooler Suite, Part 2 24:17 Borgmann, Brötzmann, Parker, Bakr (19 May 2003)
  45. Achtung, Part 1 10:16 Thomas Lehn, Paul Lovens (2003)
  46. Achtung, Part 2 48:22 Thomas Lehn, Paul Lovens (2003)
  47. Jogger_Jump 10:21 Günter Müller & Norbert Möslang (2004)
  48. Overtime_Ozonizer 17:05 Günter Müller & Norbert Möslang (2004)
  49. Respire_Resume 13:38 Günter Müller & Norbert Möslang (2004)
  50. Freelance_Frontier 4:03 Günter Müller & Norbert Möslang (2004)

Links (8)

Other Databases

  1. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr2002042241
  2. https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/felix_klopotek
  3. https://d-nb.info/gnd/124472567
  4. https://www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-nr2002042241/


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/293801


  1. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0001327135


  1. http://viaf.org/viaf/67400064


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q30037660