Philipp von Steinaecker ( - )

Male Person -

On Recordings (50)


  1. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part I: With verdure clad the fields appear (Gabriel) 4:43 Ida Falk Winland, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (14 Jan 2014)
  2. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part I: And the heav'nly host proclaimed the third day (Uriel) 0:12 Philipp von Steinaecker, Andrew Staples, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  3. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part II: And God created great whales (Raphael) 2:00 Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  4. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part II: In native worth and honour clad (Uriel) 3:32 Philipp von Steinaecker, Andrew Staples, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  5. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part I: Rolling in foaming billows (Raphael) 4:02 Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  6. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part II: Most beautiful appear - the Lord is great (Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, chorus) 6:31 Ida Falk Winland, Andrew Staples, David Stout, Robert Davies, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (14 Jan 2014)
  7. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part II: Achieved is the glorious work - on thee each living soul (Chorus, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael) 8:31 Ida Falk Winland, Andrew Staples, David Stout, Robert Davies, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (14 Jan 2014)
  8. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part II: On mighty pens uplifted soars the eagle aloft (Gabriel) 7:26 Ida Falk Winland, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (14 Jan 2014)
  9. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part I: And God said, let there be lights in the firmament of heaven (Uriel) 0:37 Philipp von Steinaecker, Andrew Staples, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  10. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part II: And God said, let the Earth bring forth the living creature (Raphael) 0:28 Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  11. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part I: Awake the harp (Chorus) 2:03 Philipp von Steinaecker, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  12. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part II: Straight opening her fertile womb (Raphael) 3:39 Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  13. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part II: And God saw ev'rything that He had made (Raphael) 0:31 Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  14. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part III: Our duty we performed now (Adam, Eve) 2:35 Robert Davies, Ida Falk Winland, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (14 Jan 2014)
  15. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part II: And the angels struck their immortal harps (Raphael) 0:27 Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  16. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part II: And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly (Gabriel) 0:28 Ida Falk Winland, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (14 Jan 2014)
  17. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part I: And God said, let the waters under the heaven (Raphael) 0:42 Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  18. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part III: In rosy mantle appears (Uriel) 3:53 Philipp von Steinaecker, Andrew Staples, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  19. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part I: The heavens are telling the glory of God (Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, chorus) 4:05 Ida Falk Winland, Andrew Staples, David Stout, Robert Davies, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (14 Jan 2014)
  20. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part I: And God made the firmament (Raphael) 2:16 Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  21. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part III: By thee with bliss, o bounteous Lord (Eve, Adam, chorus) 9:30 Ida Falk Winland, Andrew Staples, David Stout, Robert Davies, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (14 Jan 2014)
  22. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part I: In the beginning God created heaven and earth (Raphael, Uriel, chorus) 3:00 Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Andrew Staples, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  23. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part II: And God created man in His own image (Uriel) 0:42 Philipp von Steinaecker, Andrew Staples, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  24. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part I: And God said, let all the earth bring forth grass (Gabriel) 0:28 Ida Falk Winland, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (14 Jan 2014)
  25. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part III: O happy pair (Uriel) 0:27 Philipp von Steinaecker, Andrew Staples, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  26. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part I: Now vanish before the holy beams (Uriel, chorus) 3:45 Philipp von Steinaecker, Andrew Staples, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  27. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part II: Now heav'n in fullest glory shone (Raphael) 3:14 Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  28. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part III: Graceful consort! (Adam, Eve) 8:00 Robert Davies, Ida Falk Winland, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (14 Jan 2014)
  29. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part I: In splendour bright is rising now the sun (Uriel) 2:52 Philipp von Steinaecker, Andrew Staples, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  30. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part I: The representation of chaos (Raphael, Uriel, chorus) 5:46 Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Andrew Staples, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  31. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part I: The marv'lous work beholds amaz'd (Gabriel, chorus) 2:06 Ida Falk Winland, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (14 Jan 2014)
  32. The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Part III: Sing the Lord, ye voices all! (Chorus) 3:28 Philipp von Steinaecker, Musica Saeculorum (14 Jan 2014)
  33. Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III: Recitative and Aria: E Susanna non vien! 1:31 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  34. Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV: Recitative and Aria: Giunse al fin il momento… 1:13 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  35. Idomeneo, K. 366: Overture 4:42 Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  36. Idomeneo, K. 366: Act III: Zeffiretti lusinghieri de volate al mio tesoro 5:28 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  37. Così fan tutte, K. 588: Act I: Recitative: Temerari! Sortite fuori di questo loco! 1:16 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  38. Così fan tutte, K. 588: Act I: Aria: Come scoglio 4:38 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  39. Idomeneo, K. 366: Act I: Padre, germani, addio! 3:57 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  40. Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV: Aria: Deh vieni non tardar 3:17 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  41. Orfeo ed Euridice, Wq. 30: Act III: Aria: Che fiero momento 3:17 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  42. Armide, Wq. 45: Act II: Aria: Quel trouble me saisit?… Ah quelle cruauté… 4:09 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  43. Iphigénie en Tauride, Act II: O malheureuse Iphigénie 4:47 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  44. Idomeneo, K. 366: Act III: Solitudini amiche, aure amorose 0:59 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  45. Orfeo ed Euridice, Wq. 30: Act III: Recitativo: Qual vita è questa mai 2:06 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  46. Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III: Aria: Dove sono i bei momenti 4:37 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  47. Così fan tutte, K. 588: Act II: Recitative: Ei parte… senti… ah no! 1:29 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  48. Armide, Wq. 45: Act III: Ah! Si la liberté me doit être ravie 3:55 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  49. Idomeneo, K. 366: Act I: Quando avran fine omai l'aspre sventure mie? 3:52 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)
  50. Così fan tutte, K. 588: Act II: Rondo: Per pietà, ben mio, perdona… 7:43 Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker (Jan 2017)

Credited as (11)

  1. Philipp von Steinaecker, Andrew Staples, Musica Saeculorum
  2. Ida Falk Winland, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker
  3. Philipp von Steinaecker, Musica Saeculorum
  4. Robert Davies, Ida Falk Winland, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker
  5. Joseph Haydn; Ida Falk Winland, Andrew Staples, David Stout, Robert Davies, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker
  6. Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Musica Saeculorum
  7. Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Andrew Staples, Musica Saeculorum
  8. Ida Falk Winland, Andrew Staples, David Stout, Robert Davies, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker
  9. Gluck, Mozart; Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker
  10. Camilla Tilling, Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker
  11. Musica Saeculorum, Philipp von Steinaecker