Trism ( - )

Male Person - Troy Plain

Recordings by (9)

  1. Reborn (Spike Rosered vs. Toxic Seahorse) 1:27 (2012) Mega Man X: The Grand Maverick Remix Battle 2012
  2. A Fowl Knight (Knight Man and Moliarty's Tower) 2:43 (2013) Mega Man: The Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet 2013
  3. A little Bass to get you through the Knight (Knight Man vs. Bass & Treble) 3:11 (2013) Mega Man: The Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet 2013
  4. Storm the Gates! (Knight Man and Duo in Wily Stage 3-2) 2:45 (2013) Mega Man: The Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet 2013
  5. Suck My Hot Metropolitan Crater (Hot Crater & Metropolis) 2:59 (2014) The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2014
  6. Unfinished Wizardry (Vivi vs. Basch) 1:06 (2014) Final Fantasy: Crystal Clash
  7. Hidden in the Palace Grounds (Sting Chameleon in Palace Ground [X]) 3:06 (2015) The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015
  8. Celestial Bodies (Sting Chameleon in Final Weapon [X4]) 4:26 (2015) The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015
  9. Lost Chemistry (Sting Chameleon in Gate's Laboratory [X6]) 2:51 (2015) The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015

Credited as (8)

  1. Trism
  2. Cash, Trism & MindWanderer
  3. Trism & Jonathan!
  4. Trism feat. wildfire
  5. Trism feat. Hakstock
  6. Trism feat. Argle
  7. Trism feat. DusK
  8. Trism, Jorito & Chimpazilla

Links (1)

