板橋文夫 (1949 - )

Male Person - Japan

 Also known as (1)

Releases (5)



  1. Watarase 1982
  2. TO BE 21 Jul 1989
  3. Nature 20 Jan 2010 (as Fumio Itabashi)
  4. Watarase "Echo" 2024

Album - Compilation

  1. Watarase 23 Jul 2005

Relationships (1)

Member Of

  1. 森山威男カルテット

Recordings by (44)

  1. Someday My Prince Will Come 8:08 (1982)
  2. Msunduza 4:25 (1982)
  3. I Can’t Get Started 4:30 (1982)
  4. Tone 7:59 (1982)
  5. Watarase 7:35 (1982)
  6. Miss Cann 4:58 (1982)
  7. Good‐Bye 8:56 (1982)
  8. PRELUDE ?:?? (21 Jul 1989)
  9. BLUES FOR MOBS ?:?? (21 Jul 1989)
  10. 紙風船 ?:?? (21 Jul 1989)
  11. CRY ME A RIVER ?:?? (21 Jul 1989)
  12. いろはにシャッフル ?:?? (21 Jul 1989)
  13. 八重桜 ?:?? (21 Jul 1989)
  14. 上を向いて歩こう ?:?? (21 Jul 1989)
  15. LITTLE BENNY ?:?? (21 Jul 1989)
  16. GOSPEL'89 ?:?? (21 Jul 1989)
  17. 板・囃子 ?:?? (21 Jul 1989)
  18. ペチカ ?:?? (21 Jul 1989)
  19. EVERYBODY LOVE SOMEBODY ?:?? (21 Jul 1989)
  20. Watarase ?:?? (23 Jul 2005)
  21. Alligator Dance ?:?? (23 Jul 2005)
  22. Rise And Shine - Full Edit ?:?? (23 Jul 2005)
  23. Good-Bye ?:?? (23 Jul 2005)
  24. Up into The Sky 9:57 (23 Jul 2005)
  25. Ash ?:?? (23 Jul 2005)
  26. Nippon Blues ?:?? (23 Jul 2005)
  27. Don't Say Goodbye ?:?? (23 Jul 2005)
  28. Watarase 7:33 (02 Aug 2006)
  29. ホエン・ユー・スマイル 5:28 (20 Jan 2010)
  30. アップ・イントゥ・ザ・スカイ 9:56 (20 Jan 2010)
  31. リッスン・トゥ・マイ・ストーリー 4:26 (20 Jan 2010)
  32. マクンバ 13:53 (20 Jan 2010)
  33. アシュ 5:05 (20 Jan 2010)
  34. Last Summer 3:35 (01 Sep 2011)
  35. 渡良瀬 9:59 (15 Jan 2020)
  36. Macumba 13:55 (03 Nov 2023)
  37. Macumba 13:55 (2023)
  38. Umi - Watarase (From takeo Moriyama/Fumio Itabashi "Oborotsukiyo") 7:59 (2024)
  39. "Watarase" (with Kazutoki Umezu @ Kamakura City Lifelong Learning Center Hall) 8:19 (2024)
  40. "Watarase" (Fit! @ Naha, Sakurazaka Theater Hall) 16:05 (2024)
  41. "Watarase For Melodica" (Fit @ Naha, International Street) 6:43 (2024)
  42. "Watarase" (From Moriyama/Itabashi Quintet Straightedge live At Shinjuku Pit Inn) 12:00 (2024)
  43. "Watarase" (From Fumio Itabashi "Jambo Obrigado! Brazil") 11:58 (2024)
  44. "Watarase" (1981 demo) 8:25 (2024)

On Recordings (40)


  1. Mtelenko 7:41 渡辺貞夫 (1972) piano
  2. Sasa 1:43 渡辺貞夫 (1972) piano
  3. Mtoto 6:58 渡辺貞夫 (1972) piano
  4. Umeme 6:02 渡辺貞夫 (1972) piano
  5. Mombasa 3:10 渡辺貞夫 (1972) piano
  6. Upepo 1:51 渡辺貞夫 (1972) piano
  7. Poromoko La Maji 7:43 渡辺貞夫 (1972) piano
  8. Barabara 9:53 渡辺貞夫 (1972) piano
  9. Kijiji 3:05 渡辺貞夫 (1972) piano
  10. Self‐Contradiction 4:35 Kosuke Mine Quintet (1973) piano
  11. Daguri 6:25 Kosuke Mine Quintet (1973) piano
  12. Thirsty 10:51 Kosuke Mine Quintet (1973) piano
  13. Expectation 12:00 Kosuke Mine Quintet (1973) piano
  14. Spin Drift 8:04 Kosuke Mine Quintet (1973) piano
  15. Little Lovers 9:16 日野皓正 (1975) piano
  16. Speak to Loneliness 18:10 日野皓正 (1975) piano
  17. Hi-Nology 10:37 日野皓正 (1975) piano
  18. エクスチェンジ 11:51 森山威男カルテット (25 Mar 1981) piano
  19. ワタラセ 6:41 森山威男カルテット (25 Mar 1981) piano
  20. ステップ 6:41 森山威男カルテット (25 Mar 1981) piano
  21. グッドバイ 4:54 森山威男カルテット (25 Mar 1981) piano
  22. スマイル 8:35 森山威男カルテット (25 Mar 1981) piano
  23. Round Midnight 16:28 日野皓正 (1981) piano
  24. Exchange 20:47 森山威男 (1991) piano
  25. Ah Soca 9:22 Ray Anderson (1991) piano
  26. Duke Ellington's Sound of Love 8:56 Ray Anderson (1991) piano
  27. Good Bye 5:12 森山威男 (1991) piano
  28. Hush-A-Bye 10:27 森山威男 (1991) piano
  29. Comes Love 6:29 Ray Anderson (1991) piano
  30. Cape Horn 7:40 Ray Anderson (1991) piano
  31. The Wishbone Suite: Wish for the Folks 6:51 Ray Anderson (1991) piano
  32. Sunrise 14:46 森山威男 (1991) piano
  33. The Wishbone Suite: Wish for the Spirits 5:41 Ray Anderson (1991) piano
  34. Cheek to Cheek 7:15 Ray Anderson (1991) piano
  35. The Wishbone Suite (Wish for the Earth / Wish for the Folks / Wish for the Spirits) 19:04 Ray Anderson (1991) piano
  36. The Gathooze 6:27 Ray Anderson (1991) piano
  37. The Wishbone Suite: Wish for the Earth 6:36 Ray Anderson (1991) piano
  38. Watarase 12:04 森山威男 (1991) piano
  39. déjà vu 5:03 いとうかなこ (25 Aug 2009) piano
  40. 4:33 いとうかなこ (25 Aug 2009) piano

Credited as (7)

  1. 板橋文夫
  2. Fumio Itabashi
  3. 高橋邦幸 feat. Henrik Schwarz & 板橋文夫
  4. Kuniyuki Takahashi feat. Fumio Itabashi
  5. 板橋文夫 With 神奈川フィルハーモニー管弦楽団
  6. 福居良, 坂元輝, 片山光明, 中山英二, 中村新太郎, 本田竹曠, 松風鉱一, 今田勝 & 板橋文夫
  7. 板橋文夫 & Friends

Works (4)


  1. Once Again


  1. エクスチェンジ
  2. ワタラセ
  3. グッドバイ

Links (7)

Official Homepages

  1. http://bowz.main.jp/itabashi/


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/880111

Stream For Free

  1. https://open.spotify.com/artist/35S5YDbftKAWQg3MGOCSqc

Purchase Music For Download

  1. https://music.apple.com/us/artist/367278927
  2. https://music.apple.com/jp/artist/1044180550

Streaming Page

  1. https://music.apple.com/jp/artist/1044180550
  2. https://music.apple.com/us/artist/367278927