Dawn Tyler Watson ( - )

Female Person - Québec

Releases (2)



  1. Jawbreaker! 2016
  2. Mad Love 2019

Relationships (1)

Member Of

  1. Dawn Tyler Watson & Paul Deslauriers

Recordings by (19)

  1. Can't Nobody 4:34 (2016)
  2. Son of a Gun 3:00 (2016)
  3. Tootsie Roll Blues 5:36 (2016)
  4. I Don't Live Here Anymore 5:00 (2016)
  5. Rotten 3:36 (2016)
  6. Smoked Meat 3:55 (2016)
  7. Greenbacks 3:43 (2016)
  8. I See 4:26 (2016)
  9. Forever Young 4:51 (2016)
  10. Don't Make Me Mad 2:56 (2019)
  11. Feels Good to Watch You Go 5:29 (2019)
  12. This and That 3:23 (2019)
  13. Masochistic Heart 5:03 (2019)
  14. Lost 5:00 (2019)
  15. Away Too Fast 4:10 (2019)
  16. Love to Burn 3:36 (2019)
  17. I Look Good 3:23 (2019)
  18. The River 4:19 (2019)
  19. Alligator (outro) 1:04 (2019)

On Recordings (7)


  1. Darktown Strutter's Ball 1:48 James Gelfand, The Jack Paradise Jazz Band with Dawn Tyler Watson (20 Jan 2004)
  2. Tap Dance 2:19 James Gelfand, The Jack Paradise Jazz Band with Dawn Tyler Watson (20 Jan 2004)
  3. After You're Gone/Angry Jack 3:53 James Gelfand, The Jack Paradise Jazz Band with Dawn Tyler Watson (20 Jan 2004)
  4. Jos Finger Ledoux 3:21 James Gelfand, The Jack Paradise Jazz Band with Dawn Tyler Watson (20 Jan 2004)
  5. The Bop's Bee 3:01 James Gelfand, The Jack Paradise Jazz Band with Dawn Tyler Watson (20 Jan 2004)
  6. After You're Gone 4:14 James Gelfand, The Jack Paradise Jazz Band with Dawn Tyler Watson (20 Jan 2004)
  7. Purple Haze 5:15 Bob Walsh with guests Dawn Tyler Watson & David Gogo (2004) guest

Credited as (7)

  1. Bob Walsh with guests Dawn Tyler Watson & David Gogo
  2. Dawn Tyler Watson
  3. Dawn Tyler Watson feat. Patrick Lehman
  4. Dawn Tyler Watson feat. Ben Racine
  5. Dawn Tyler Watson feat. Steve Marriner
  6. Dawn Tyler Watson feat. Steve Hill
  7. James Gelfand, The Jack Paradise Jazz Band with Dawn Tyler Watson

Events (1)

Support Act At

  1. 2017 Big Blues Bender

Links (7)

Official Homepages

  1. http://www.dawntylerwatson.com/

Other Databases

  1. https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/dawn-tyler-watson


  1. https://www.last.fm/music/Dawn%20Tyler%20Watson


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/734806


  1. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0002093279


  1. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0914579/


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q65115670