Ballet Mécanique (1979 - 1982)

Group - Denmark

Releases (2)



  1. The Icecold Waters of the Egocentric Calculation 1981 (as Ballet M.Ecanique)
  2. For 1982 (as Ballet M.)

Recordings by (32)

  1. An Attempt of Interruption 3:03 (1981)
  2. Poem 5:33 (1981)
  3. Sweetened 6:13 (1981)
  4. Lied 5:06 (1981)
  5. Theory 1:48 (1981)
  6. Ism 6:03 (1981)
  7. Leathern 5:03 (1981)
  8. Threads 2:44 (1981)
  9. Veins 7:02 (1981)
  10. The Mark 4:49 (1982)
  11. Among 4:41 (1982)
  12. Conviction Justifies All Means 4:32 (1982)
  13. Den Ødeste 5:31 (1982)
  14. As Hit 3:55 (1982)
  15. Violent 5:04 (1982)
  16. Given 4:10 (1982)
  17. Is To Be 2:35 (1982)
  18. Mature Evil 3:39 (1982)
  19. An Attempt of Interruption 2:55 (11 Sep 2006) live
  20. Idolized Values 3:29 (11 Sep 2006) live
  21. Somatic Verb 4:12 (11 Sep 2006) live
  22. Ism 6:53 (11 Sep 2006) live
  23. Theory 2:11 (11 Sep 2006) live
  24. Terminal Memory 5:37 (11 Sep 2006) live
  25. Veins 5:50 (11 Sep 2006) live
  26. Publikum 1:30 (11 Sep 2006) live
  27. De Vere Gardens 3:51 (11 Sep 2006) live
  28. Intellectual Self-Mutilation 3:13 (11 Sep 2006)
  29. Opløsningsdeklaration, Saltlageret den 15. Oktober 1982 2:24 (11 Sep 2006)
  30. Avenues of Oblivion 3:46 (05 Nov 2007)
  31. Leathern 5:04 (05 Nov 2007)
  32. A Spastic Appeal 4:37 (05 Nov 2007)

Credited as (3)

  1. Ballet M.Ecanique
  2. Ballet M.
  3. Ballet Mécanique

Links (2)



