Tim Smithies ( - )

Male Person - United Kingdom producer

On Recordings (50)


  1. Like as the Hart 5:38 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  2. Set Me as a Seal Upon Thine Heart 3:15 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  3. Beatus Vir 8:27 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  4. I Was Glad 5:20 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  5. Ave Verum Corpus 3:16 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  6. My Soul, There Is a Country 4:00 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  7. Beati Quorum Via 3:41 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  8. O Crux Splendidior 5:02 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  9. Bring Us, O Lord God 3:38 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  10. Hear My Prayer 10:55 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  11. If Ye Love Me 1:35 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  12. Psalm 121 2:15 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  13. Salvator Mundi 2:54 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  14. Sing Joyfully 2:55 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  15. Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring 3:35 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  16. And When the Builders 4:42 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  17. O Lord Grant the King a Long Life 2:32 Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Richard Seal, David Halls (1996) executive
  18. Dolce mio ben 2:11 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  19. Ricercari, libro secondo: Ricercar del settimo tono 3:49 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  20. Ecco Vinegia bella 3:58 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  21. Canzone villanesche alla napolitana: A quand’a quand’havea 3:10 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  22. Recercare da Regola Rubertina no. 3 1:21 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  23. Il terzo libro de ricercari: Canzon ariosa 2:47 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  24. Concerti: Tirsi morir volea 4:25 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  25. Canzone villanesche alla napolitana: Vecchie letrose 1:35 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  26. Ahi miserelle 2:06 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  27. Il primo libro di madrigali: Madonna, qual certezza 2:45 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  28. Il primo libro di madrigali: Italia mia 3:38 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  29. Arosez vos violettes 5:04 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  30. O Dio se vede chiaro 2:27 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  31. Trattado de Glosas: Recercada segunda sobre el madrigal “O felici occhi miei” 1:54 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  32. Recercare da Regola Rubertina no. 1 1:10 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  33. Musica nova: Liete e pensose 3:53 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  34. Occhio non fu giamai 1:51 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  35. Qual dolcezza giamai 4:03 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  36. La bella netta ignuda 2:59 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  37. Canzon detta la Zambechara 2:24 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  38. Ricercar 2:01 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  39. Musica nova: Quando nascesti, amor 2:57 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  40. Trattado de Glosas: Recercada segunda para viola de gamba sola 1:52 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive
  41. Canzona no. 14 1:45 Concordia, Mark Levy (May 2003) executive


  1. Easter Mass Proper: Graduale 4:03 Orlando Consort (1997)
  2. Easter Mass Proper: Introitus 6:54 Orlando Consort (1997)
  3. Lamentationes Jeremiae 9:50 Orlando Consort (1997)
  4. Easter Mass Proper: Communio 2:00 Orlando Consort (1997)
  5. Crux triumphans 5:50 Orlando Consort (1997)
  6. Victimae paschali 4:46 Orlando Consort (1997)
  7. Salve crux 11:45 Orlando Consort (1997)
  8. Easter Mass Proper: Prosa 9:11 Orlando Consort (1997)
  9. Vexilla regis 4:43 Orlando Consort (1997)