Bryan Hymel (08 Aug 1979 - )

Male Person - United States tenor

On Recordings (28)


  1. Jérusalem: "Je veux encore entendre ta voix" 5:32 Bryan Hymel, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume (23 Feb 2015) tenor vocals
  2. L'Africaine: "O Paradis sorti de l'onde... Conduisez-moi vers ce navire" 7:07 Petr Fiala, Bryan Hymel, Czech Philharmonic Choir of Brno, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume (23 Feb 2015) tenor vocals
  3. Guillaume Tell: "Asile héréditaire... Amis, amis secondez ma vengeance" 12:49 Petr Fiala, Bryan Hymel, Czech Philharmonic Choir of Brno, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume (23 Feb 2015) tenor vocals
  4. Hérodiade: "Ne pouvant réprimer les élans de la foi" 5:47 Bryan Hymel, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume (23 Feb 2015) tenor vocals
  5. La damnation de Faust: "Nature immense" 5:47 Bryan Hymel, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume (23 Feb 2015) tenor vocals
  6. Les Vêpres siciliennes: "O jour de peine et de souffrance" (Henri) 9:57 Bryan Hymel, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume (23 Feb 2015) tenor vocals
  7. Rolande et le mauvais garçon: "Chante, vieux jardin, ta chanson de cigales" 4:10 Bryan Hymel, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume (23 Feb 2015) tenor vocals
  8. La reine de Saba: "Inspirez-moi, race divine" 5:33 Bryan Hymel, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume (23 Feb 2015) tenor vocals
  9. Les vêspres sicliennes: "La brise soufflé au loin" (Henri, Hélène) 4:04 Bryan Hymel, Irini Kyriakidou, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume (23 Feb 2015) tenor vocals
  10. L'Attaque du moulin: "Adieu, forêt profonde" 4:35 Bryan Hymel, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume (23 Feb 2015) tenor vocals
  11. Les Troyens: "Inutiles regrets" 6:12 Bryan Hymel, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume (23 Feb 2015) tenor vocals
  12. Sigurd: "Esprits, gardiens de ces lieux" 5:23 Bryan Hymel, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume (23 Feb 2015) tenor vocals
  13. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. III: Scène IX - Air de Faust. "Merci, doux crépuscule!" 5:11 Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  14. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. III: Scène XIII - Final. "Grand Dieu! ... Ange adoré" 5:17 Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  15. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. II: Scène IV - "Hélas! doux chants du ciel" 1:13 Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  16. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. IV: Scène XVI - Invocation à la nature. "Nature immense" 4:55 Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  17. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. I: Scène II & III - Ronde de paysans. "Les bergers laissent ... Mais d'un éclat guerrier" 4:24 Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Chorus, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  18. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. II: Scène VII - "Margarita!" 1:14 Bryan Hymel, Christopher Purves, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  19. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. II: Scène IV - "Sans regrets j'ai quitté les riantes campagnes" 4:50 Karen Cargill, Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  20. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. II: Scène IV - Chant de la Fête de Pâques. "Christ vient de ressusciter!" 5:29 Karen Cargill, Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Chorus, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  21. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. III: Scène X - "Je l'entends!" 1:05 Bryan Hymel, Christopher Purves, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  22. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. II: Scène VII - Choeur de gnomes et de sylphes. Songe de Faust. "Dors! heureux Faust" 5:55 Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Chorus, Christopher Purves, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  23. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. IV: Scène XVII - Récitatif et chasse. "A la voûte azurée" 3:30 Bryan Hymel, Christopher Purves, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  24. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. III: Scène XIV - "Allons, il est trop tard! ... Je connais donc enfin" 4:47 Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Chorus, Christopher Purves, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  25. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. IV: Scène XVIII - La course à l'abîme. "Dans mon coeur retentit sa voix" 3:33 Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Chorus, Christopher Purves, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  26. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. I: Scène I - "Le vieil hiver" 5:35 Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  27. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. II: Scène VI - "Assez! fuyons ces lieux" 2:27 Bryan Hymel, Christopher Purves, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals
  28. La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24, H. 111, Pt. II: Scène V - "Ô pure émotion!" 2:26 Bryan Hymel, Christopher Purves, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle (08 Mar 2019) tenor vocals

Credited as (12)

  1. Bryan Hymel, PKF Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume
  2. Petr Fiala, Bryan Hymel, Czech Philharmonic Choir of Brno, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume
  3. Bryan Hymel, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume
  4. Bryan Hymel, Irini Kyriakidou, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, Emmanuel Villaume
  5. Hector Berlioz; London Symphony Orchestra, Bryan Hymel, Karen Cargill, Christopher Purves, Gábor Bretz, Simon Rattle
  6. Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Chorus, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle
  7. Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle
  8. Karen Cargill, Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle
  9. Karen Cargill, Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Chorus, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle
  10. Bryan Hymel, Christopher Purves, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle
  11. Bryan Hymel, London Symphony Chorus, Christopher Purves, London Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle
  12. Meyerbeer; Bryan Hymel, Carmen Giannattasio, Patrizia Ciofi, Alastair Miles, Orchestra Filarmonica Salernitana 'Giuseppe Verdi', Coro Del Teatro Dell'Opera Di Salerno, Daniel Oren

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