Fumiyoshi Suzuki (18 May 1966 - )

Male Person - Katsushika Japanese guitarist

Relationships (5)

Performs As

  1. NP

Member Of

  1. Zeni Geva (1987 - 1988) guitar
  2. The Gerogerigegege bass guitar, guitar
  3. The Gero-P
  4. Mackerel Can Molding Company

On Recordings (19)


  1. [untitled] ?:?? Null & NP (1985) electric guitar
  2. Melody ?:?? The Gero-P (1986) guitar, violin
  3. Coda ?:?? The Gero-P (1986) guitar, violin
  4. We Got Normal ?:?? The Gero-P (1986) guitar, violin
  5. Long Ago and Far a Way ?:?? The Gero-P (1986) guitar, violin
  6. Theme ?:?? The Gero-P (1986) guitar, violin


  1. [untitled] ?:?? Null & NP (1985)
  2. Coda ?:?? The Gero-P (1986)
  3. We Got Normal ?:?? The Gero-P (1986)
  4. Long Ago and Far a Way ?:?? The Gero-P (1986)
  5. Melody ?:?? The Gero-P (1986)
  6. Theme ?:?? The Gero-P (1986)

Recording Engineer For

  1. Killsonic Action ?:?? Absolut Null Punkt (1988)
  2. Godache ?:?? Absolut Null Punkt (1988)
  3. Zettai Reyd ?:?? Absolut Null Punkt (1988)
  4. Godkill II ?:?? Absolut Null Punkt (1988)
  5. Disembody ?:?? Absolut Null Punkt (1988)
  6. Deus Irae ?:?? Absolut Null Punkt (1988)
  7. I Lead You Towards Glorious Times 5:29 Merzbow (Sep 1994)

Links (5)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/523378


  1. https://ameblo.jp/mackerelcan/

Social Networking

  1. https://twitter.com/NP_information
  2. https://twitter.com/mackerel_can


  1. https://soundcloud.com/np-fumiyoshi-suzuki