Randy Bauer ( - )

Male Person - United States composer and jazz musician

Recordings by (7)

  1. Piano Sonata No. 1 "Above the River": I. The Flood 9:05 (2023)
  2. Piano Sonata No. 1 "Above the River": II. The Night Journey 10:32 (2023)
  3. Piano Sonata No. 1 "Above the River": III. The Unravelling 3:23 (2023)
  4. Piano Sonata No. 1 "Above the River": IV. The Triumph 10:02 (2023)
  5. Piano Sonata No. 2 "Brighter Dreams": I. Drawing In 10:14 (2023)
  6. Piano Sonata No. 2 "Brighter Dreams": II. Rocking, Ever Rocking 8:50 (2023)
  7. Piano Sonata No. 2 "Brighter Dreams": III. Flying Higher 7:15 (2023)

On Recordings (4)


  1. Homage a Stravinsky: I 5:35 Kenneth Ellison, Tom Buckelew, Andrew Rathbun, Flora Newberry, Randy Bauer, Tomasz Rzeczycki, Scott Lee, Ruth Ochs (01 Sep 2008) piano
  2. Come Dance With Me 7:02 Zach Brock, Caleb Burhans, Elizabeth Thompson, Randy Bauer, Vesselin Gellev (01 Sep 2008) piano
  3. Homage a Stravinsky: III 5:13 Kenneth Ellison, Tom Buckelew, Andrew Rathbun, Flora Newberry, Randy Bauer, Tomasz Rzeczycki, Scott Lee, Ruth Ochs (01 Sep 2008) piano
  4. Homage a Stravinsky: II 3:12 Kenneth Ellison, Tom Buckelew, Andrew Rathbun, Flora Newberry, Randy Bauer, Tomasz Rzeczycki, Scott Lee, Ruth Ochs (01 Sep 2008) piano

Credited as (5)

  1. Randall Bauer
  2. Kenneth Ellison, Tom Buckelew, Andrew Rathbun, Flora Newberry, Randy Bauer, Tomasz Rzeczycki, Scott Lee, Ruth Ochs
  3. Zach Brock, Caleb Burhans, Elizabeth Thompson, Randy Bauer, Vesselin Gellev
  4. Randy Bauer; Clipper Erickson
  5. Randy Bauer

Works (5)


  1. Neighborhood Music: I. Where Has He Gone (2013)
  2. Neighborhood Music: II. Rossini’s Got Nothin’ on Us (2013)
  3. Neighborhood Music: III. The Local Record Producer (2013)
  4. Neighborhood Music: IV. When I Could Hear the Train (2013)
  5. Neighborhood Music (2013)

Links (1)

Official Homepages

  1. http://www.randybauer.com/