Barrie Webb ( - )

Male Person - United Kingdom trombonist

Relationships (2)


  1. Vinko Globokar
  2. Constantin Bugeanu

On Recordings (10)


  1. Flute Concerto no. 1 16:36 Pierre-Yves Artaud, University of Huddersfield New Music Ensemble, Barrie Webb (Dec 1998)
  2. Symphony no. 2 21:23 University of Huddersfield Symphony Orchestra, Barrie Webb (Dec 1998)
  3. Concerto for Saxophone(s) 17:22 Emil Sein, University of Huddersfield Symphony Orchestra, Barrie Webb (Dec 1998)


  1. Harryphonies (Epsilon) 19:07 Victor Arsene, Fernando Grillo, Melvyn Poore, Barrie Webb, Orchestre National de Roumanie (RTV), Iosif Conta, Iancu Dumitrescu (1986) solo, trombone
  2. False Relationships and the Extended Ending 16:25 Barrie Webb, John Tilbury, Philip Thomas, Catherine Laws, Rodrigo Constanzo, Mira Benjamin, Anton Lukoszevieze (08 Nov 2014) trombone
  3. Eight 1:0:07 Apartment House (13 Aug 2021) trombone
  4. Ten 30:03 Apartment House (13 Aug 2021) trombone
  5. Seven² 52:09 Apartment House (13 Aug 2021) bass trombone
  6. Thirteen 30:04 Apartment House (13 Aug 2021) trombone
  7. Five³ 40:01 Apartment House (13 Aug 2021) trombone

Credited as (6)

  1. Barrie Webb, John Tilbury, Philip Thomas, Catherine Laws, Rodrigo Constanzo, Mira Benjamin, Anton Lukoszevieze
  2. Victor Arsene, Fernando Grillo, Melvyn Poore, Barrie Webb, Orchestre National de Roumanie (RTV), Iosif Conta, Iancu Dumitrescu
  3. Doina Rotaru; Pierre-Yves Artaud, Emil Sein, Barrie Webb, University of Huddersfield Symphony Orchestra, University of Huddersfield New Music Ensemble
  4. Pierre-Yves Artaud, University of Huddersfield New Music Ensemble, Barrie Webb
  5. Emil Sein, University of Huddersfield Symphony Orchestra, Barrie Webb
  6. University of Huddersfield Symphony Orchestra, Barrie Webb

Links (1)

