VMO (2016 - )

Group - [Worldwide] experimental metal / electronic project

 Also known as (1)

Releases (9)



  1. Catastrophic Anonymous 26 Oct 2016
  2. DEATH RAVE 13 Mar 2024 (as Violent Magic Orchestra)


  1. Venom 27 Jan 2023 (as Violent Magic Orchestra)
  2. Supergaze 02 Jun 2023 (as Violent Magic Orchestra)
  3. Martello Mosh Pit 29 Aug 2023 (as Violent Magic Orchestra)
  4. Ecsedi Báthory Erzsébet 11 Jan 2024 (as Violent Magic Orchestra)


  1. VMO aka Violent Magic Orchestra 1st Installation Offshore 24 Feb 2018 (as Violent Magic Orchestra)
  2. Principle of Light Speed Invariance 12 Jun 2020

EP - Remix

  1. リミックスブラックメタル Dec 2016

Relationships (13)


  1. メカゴリラ original
  2. 草薙翔 original
  3. rei miyamoto original
  4. micci the mistake original
  5. /japan original
  6. Pete Swanson original
  7. Extreme Precautions original
  8. 真部脩一 original
  9. 吉田達也 original
  10. Velladon original
  11. 太郎 original
  12. possession mongoloid original
  13. コイデシュンペイ guitar

Recordings by (30)

  1. Acts of Charity 2:49 (26 Oct 2016)
  2. In Favor Of Cruelty 2:39 (26 Oct 2016)
  3. One Day Less 2:05 (26 Oct 2016)
  4. At The Bank 4:16 (26 Oct 2016)
  5. Pursuit of Dignity 4:13 (26 Oct 2016)
  6. Out of Orbit 3:43 (26 Oct 2016)
  7. Out Of Orbit (Vehement Mental Orgasm Mix)---Laxenanchaos 5:10 (Dec 2016)
  8. At The Bank (extreamOBSN Mix) 4:00 (Dec 2016)
  9. One Day Less (CDR Mix) 3:13 (Dec 2016)
  10. 81 Years Later 11:23 (24 Feb 2018)
  11. Kuhaku 1:18 (24 Feb 2018)
  12. Ruins of City 13:28 (24 Feb 2018)
  13. Gap 1 10:00 (24 Feb 2018)
  14. Gap 2 5:12 (24 Feb 2018)
  15. Gap 3 3:08 (24 Feb 2018)
  16. Gap 4 3:44 (24 Feb 2018)
  17. Complete 10:00 (24 Feb 2018)
  18. thought0815thought 7:54 (29 Jul 2018)
  19. You are hate 4:04 (12 Jun 2020)
  20. Massive Aggressive 1:49 (12 Jun 2020)
  21. New world ballad 5:00 (12 Jun 2020)
  22. Venom 4:59 (27 Jan 2023)
  23. Supergaze 3:28 (02 Jun 2023)
  24. Ecsedi Báthory Erzsébet 5:16 (11 Jan 2024)
  25. PLANET HELVETECH 3:00 (13 Mar 2024)
  26. WARP 7:53 (13 Mar 2024)
  27. The Destroyer electric utilities version 5:34 (13 Mar 2024)
  28. Choking Persuasion 4:16 (13 Mar 2024)
  29. Kokka 1:47 (13 Mar 2024)
  30. Flapping Dragon Wing 4:27 (13 Mar 2024)

Credited as (13)

  1. VMO
  2. VMO feat. Chip King
  3. VMO feat. Attila Csihar
  4. Violent Magic Orchestra
  5. VMO & Chip King
  6. VMO & Attila Csihar
  7. Violent Magic Orchestra & Gabber Eleganza
  8. Violent Magic Orchestra feat. Ican Harem (Gabber Modus Operandi)
  9. Violent Magic Orchestra feat. Dylan Walker (Full of Hell)
  10. Violent Magic Orchestra feat. Kælan Mikla
  11. Violent Magic Orchestra feat. Infinity Division
  12. Violent Magic Orchestra feat. Attila Csihar (Mayhem)
  13. Violent Magic Orchestra feat. Gabber Eleganza

Events (3)

Support Act At

  2. 世紀末 vol.68
  3. Gabber Modus Operandi Japan Tour 2023 time

Links (10)

Other Databases

  1. https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/violent-magic-orchestra
  2. https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/VMO/3540417972


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/5358962

Stream For Free

  1. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5t2YzgwFxf0RH68rlh0sxw
  2. https://www.deezer.com/artist/135187092
  3. https://open.spotify.com/artist/41LPvJm9AXkKfIP5TULu0A
  4. https://www.deezer.com/artist/5622062


  1. http://vmo-violentmagicorchestra.tumblr.com/

Social Networking

  1. https://www.facebook.com/vmoofficial
  2. https://twitter.com/magic0rchestra