Zebadiah Crowe (2006 - )

Group - United Kingdom

Releases (7)



  1. Grawl! The Many Deaths of the Great Beast 2010
  2. Omak k'aah 03 Jan 2013
  3. Host Rider 08 May 2020


  1. Zool (Feeding in the Dark) 20 Sep 2019


  1. The Cloven Hand 02 Dec 2020
  2. Lych Milk 05 Feb 2021

EP - Demo

  1. Lo'Grosh May 2008

Recordings by (49)

  1. The Bellowing of the False Gods 3:40 (May 2008)
  2. Forged in the Marrow of Manticores 3:43 (May 2008)
  3. Beast in Black Veins 2:53 (May 2008)
  4. Man Reaper 2:48 (May 2008)
  5. Typhoids Gate Beckons 3:48 (May 2008)
  6. Typhoids Gate ?:?? (2009)
  7. A Cantilation of Revilement 3:01 (Jun 2010)
  8. Screams of the Willow Hag Tree 2:46 (2010)
  9. Woe Seeker 3:10 (2010)
  10. Sundering of Hope 2:44 (2010)
  11. Howling Blood Fever 4:29 (2010)
  12. Taking Up Knives to Lay Down With Whores 3:05 (2010)
  13. Carrion Crown 2:45 (2010)
  14. Devouring the Flesh of Kings 2:41 (2010)
  15. The Drowning Lament 2:50 (2010)
  16. Poisoning My Life Well 2:05 (2010)
  17. Prognostication of Ruin 2:33 (2010)
  18. Expiation of the Breeders 3:39 (2010)
  19. Lash of Perdition 3:45 (2010)
  20. The Thing From Beneath the Gibbering Gallow ?:?? (22 Jan 2011)
  21. Sabaticus ?:?? (22 Jan 2011)
  22. Host of the Rodent Hierophant ?:?? (22 Jan 2011)
  23. Chronomic Resonance Measured in Razor Lines 1:55 (03 Jan 2013)
  24. Wonderment Born of Dystopian Dirgecraft 2:42 (03 Jan 2013)
  25. A Demented Construct of Filth and Slithering Oscillatory’s 3:04 (03 Jan 2013)
  26. Recessive Viral Amplification 1:02 (03 Jan 2013)
  27. Engines of Deitific Agony 2:43 (03 Jan 2013)
  28. A Dispiriting Drizzle of Dead Matter / The Lovers 4:00 (03 Jan 2013)
  29. Hail the Wrong (Propagator of the Great Untruth) 3:25 (03 Jan 2013)
  30. There’s a Gathering of Earths Blood in the Gallows Wood 3:09 (03 Jan 2013)
  31. To the Cauldron Borne 1:05 (03 Jan 2013)
  32. A Knife for Every Heart 3:17 (03 Jan 2013)
  33. Fortunes Told in the Footprints of the Insane 2:47 (03 Jan 2013)
  34. Facile Ephemera in the Bestiary of the Soul 2:56 (03 Jan 2013)
  35. A Gathering of Earthsblood in the Gallows Wood 3:10 (Jul 2014)
  36. Host of the Rodent Heirophant 3:59 (20 Sep 2019)
  37. Knucklebones 4:17 (08 May 2020)
  38. A Tincture of Malice 2:58 (08 May 2020)
  39. Mantel of Nails and Orphan Skin 3:13 (08 May 2020)
  40. The Neon Goat of Crimson Grief 3:44 (08 May 2020)
  41. A Horror to the Eyes of Saintly Men 3:40 (08 May 2020)
  42. Godblind and Destitute 3:50 (08 May 2020)
  43. Wormhavens Dance 3:45 (08 May 2020)
  44. House of the Worns (Seething Akira remix) 3:26 (02 Dec 2020)
  45. Barrens Forge (Gods or Ruin remix) 4:19 (02 Dec 2020)
  46. Skullshank (Gods or Ruin remix) 4:02 (02 Dec 2020)
  47. Gallows Wood 3:31 (05 Feb 2021)
  48. Sabbaticus 4:45 (05 Feb 2021)
  49. Footprints 2:34 (05 Feb 2021)

Credited as (3)

  1. Zebadiah Crowe
  2. Zebadiah Crowe / Orion
  3. Zebadiah Crowe / 54R

Links (4)

Other Databases

  1. https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Zebadiah_Crowe/3540255752


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/3309522


  1. https://zebadiahcrowe.bandcamp.com/

Social Networking

  1. https://www.facebook.com/zebadiahcrowe