えなこ (22 Jan 1994 - )

Female Person - Japan cosplayer, voice actress, and singer

Releases (3)



  1. SP‐LuSH ROAD 21 Jul 2021


  1. ドレス・レ・コード 16 Dec 2020

EP - Audio drama

  1. えなこわーるど 28 Aug 2020

Relationships (2)

Member Of

  1. PPE41 original
  2. パナシェ!

Recordings by (17)

  1. Colorful Fairy Voyage♪ 4:16 (28 Aug 2020)
  2. 届け!W〇〇KEND 3:48 (28 Aug 2020)
  3. おさんぽソング 4:05 (28 Aug 2020)
  4. Colorful Fairy Voyage♪ -Karaoke- 4:15 (28 Aug 2020)
  5. 届け!W〇〇KEND -Karaoke- 3:48 (28 Aug 2020)
  6. おさんぽソング -Karaoke- 4:06 (28 Aug 2020)
  7. 名探偵キミに告ぐ (MusicVideo) 4:02 (16 Dec 2020)
  8. 名探偵キミに告ぐ (Making Movie) 2:00 (16 Dec 2020)
  9. 名探偵キミに告ぐ 4:02 (16 Dec 2020)
  10. めたもるふぉーかす 3:25 (16 Dec 2020)
  11. シャボンより脆いセカイ 3:38 (16 Dec 2020)
  12. 変身前夜 3:46 (16 Dec 2020)
  13. スウィッチドールの涙 5:12 (16 Dec 2020)
  14. SP‐LuSH ROAD 3:38 (21 Jul 2021)
  15. ふたり花火 4:06 (21 Jul 2021)
  16. SP‐LuSH ROAD(Instrumental) 3:38 (21 Jul 2021)
  17. ふたり花火(Instrumental) 4:04 (21 Jul 2021)

On Recordings (1)


  1. Precious ☆ Star 1:56 DJ TOTTO feat. えなこ (12 Apr 2017)

Credited as (4)

  1. DJ TOTTO feat. えなこ
  2. えなこ
  3. えなこ feat. P丸様。
  4. Enako feat. Pmarusama

Links (32)

Official Homepages

  1. http://enako.info/

Other Databases

  1. https://anidb.net/creator/56323
  2. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=173960
  3. https://www.themoviedb.org/person/2566987

Lyrics Page

  1. https://utaten.com/artist/lyric
  2. https://www.uta-net.com/lyricist/47148/
  3. https://utaten.com/songWriter/63741
  4. https://j-lyric.net/artist/a061c06/
  5. https://genius.com/artists/Enako
  6. https://www.uta-net.com/artist/29534/
  7. https://www.joysound.com/web/search/artist/420587


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/12473674


  1. https://vgmdb.net/artist/53627


  1. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9501820/


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q8951402

Stream For Free

  1. https://open.spotify.com/artist/2jHLZmPoAmnlCswCMc8WCj

Purchase Music For Download

  1. https://mora.jp/artist/1330108/
  2. https://recochoku.jp/artist/2001104015/

Purchase Music For Mail-Order

  1. https://www.hmv.co.jp/en/artist_Enako_000000000748074/
  2. https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/person/700609011
  3. https://tower.jp/artist/2098631

Streaming Page

  1. https://music.line.me/artist/mi00000000168fc050
  2. https://music.apple.com/us/artist/1223317638


  1. https://lineblog.me/enakorin
  2. https://ameblo.jp/maidreamin800055/

Social Networking

  1. https://www.instagram.com/enakorin/
  2. https://twitter.com/enako_cos
  3. https://www.weibo.com/u/3230555192
  4. https://www.tiktok.com/@enako_cos
  5. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063709089991

Video Channel

  1. https://www.twitch.tv/enako_chan

Youtube Channels

  1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrUdiKv9LERZmG_MKh63Xgg