golgi ( - )

Person - chiptune / vaporwave artist

Releases (9)



  1. xoxoxo luscious late night In legoland oxoxox 17 Oct 2014
  2. hi police guy 24 Oct 2014
  3. bounce about in the bouncy ball (e)bowl(a) 07 Nov 2014
  4. baller world 13 May 2016
  5. (すずしい) suzushii 27 Dec 2016
  6. Incubation Outpost 17 Jan 2017
  7. what's the weather today? 20 Jul 2017
  8. tonight we dine in california 27 Jul 2017
  9. dog days 02 Apr 2019

Relationships (1)

Performance Name Of

  1. goluigi

Recordings by (18)

  1. xoxoxo luscious late night In legoland oxoxox 2:19 (17 Oct 2014)
  2. hi police guy 2:35 (24 Oct 2014)
  3. bounce about in the bouncy ball (e)bowl(a) 2:11 (07 Nov 2014)
  4. baller world 3:26 (13 May 2016)
  5. (すずしい) suzushii 4:36 (27 Dec 2016)
  6. Incubation Outpost 2:35 (17 Jan 2017)
  7. what's the weather today? 2:42 (20 Jul 2017)
  8. tonight we dine in california 1:47 (27 Jul 2017)
  9. dog days 1:34 (02 Apr 2019)
  10. Advanced Placement Biology 1:51 () s3xmodit mania r5
  11. ugasuhga~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0:41 () OHC
  12. sixth element 2:53 ()
  13. spacewalk cable disconnect 3:29 () s3xmoditmania VII ghost round
  14. hey joe (mix edit) 3:23 () 2014-12-16 edit
  15. ZILA in space 2:56 ()
  16. exit jazz band (s3xmoditmania III r2 + edits + mix edit) 2:41 () 2015-10-15 edit
  17. Mario Paint Tries to New Notes But The Dog Messes Up on the Loop Wow Epic Failblog.org (ohc) 1:16 ()
  18. fluoroscent cyan 3:23 ()

Credited as (6)

  1. tothejazz x golgi
  2. golgi & raphaelgoulart
  3. golgi
  4. golgi & Baycun
  5. golgi & jyoshi
  6. golgi feat. Baycun

Links (1)


  1. https://soundcloud.com/goluigi-chan