Karel Stiefel ( - )

Male Person -

On Recordings (20)


  1. Heleme se = Gee Whiz 3:25 Pražský Big Band (1978) trombone
  2. Hudba z ulice = Street Music: Part I Muž Na Křižovatce = Man on the Crossroads / Part II Starý Pán S Holí = Old Man With a Cane / Part III Dívka Před Výlohou = Girl at the Shop Window 7:03 Pražský Big Band (1978) trombone
  3. Podobizna = Portrait 6:00 Pražský Big Band (1978) trombone
  4. Ejhle, Člověk = Ecce Homo 8:35 Pražský Big Band (1978) trombone
  5. Ondřej 8:52 Pražský Big Band (1978) trombone
  6. Ledovoda = Ice Water 5:58 Pražský Big Band (1978) trombone
  7. Andromeda 3:48 Milan Svoboda, Pražský/Prague Big Band (1982) trombone
  8. Pohár hořkosti/Cup of Bitterness 5:30 Milan Svoboda, Pražský/Prague Big Band (1982) trombone
  9. Počkej na mne/Wait for Me 5:00 Milan Svoboda, Pražský/Prague Big Band (1982) trombone
  10. Do rocku a do dna/Rock-A-Year, Rock-A-Day, Bottoms Up! 4:27 Milan Svoboda, Pražský/Prague Big Band (1982) trombone
  11. Poste restante 4:05 Milan Svoboda, Pražský/Prague Big Band (1982) trombone
  12. Dej víc/Give More 5:12 Milan Svoboda, Pražský/Prague Big Band (1982) trombone
  13. Proclamation 7:35 Prague Big Band, Milan Svoboda (1982) trombone
  14. Tišina/Lee 3:55 Milan Svoboda, Pražský/Prague Big Band (1982) trombone
  15. Blues for the PBB 6:00 Prague Big Band, Milan Svoboda (1982) trombone
  16. Janko 4:05 Milan Svoboda, Pražský/Prague Big Band (1982) trombone
  17. Barefooted Adela 7:35 Prague Big Band, Milan Svoboda (1982) trombone
  18. Reminiscence on an Old Choral 12:35 Prague Big Band, Milan Svoboda (1982) trombone
  19. Hromovka 6:09 Milan Svoboda, Pražský/Prague Big Band (1982) trombone
  20. Stewed Plums 8:25 Prague Big Band, Milan Svoboda (1982) trombone

Links (1)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/1504662