Jordan Kareem Rees ( - )

Male Person - production music

 Also known as (1)

Releases (1)


Album - Soundtrack

  1. Cycle 28 (Original Soundtrack) 03 Jan 2018 (as Jordan Rees)

Recordings by (54)

  1. Total Domination 1:45 (29 Dec 2015)
  2. Inevitable Drift 1:29 (25 Sep 2017)
  3. Everyman's War 1:36 (26 Sep 2017)
  4. Incorrect Data 1:53 (26 Sep 2017)
  5. Glimmer from the Past 1:13 (28 Sep 2017)
  6. In the Moonlight 1:22 (28 Sep 2017)
  7. The Screamer 2:16 (29 Sep 2017)
  8. Time to Go 1:34 (23 Oct 2017)
  9. Pack Your Bags 2:09 (23 Oct 2017)
  10. An Air of Tension 1:42 (20 Nov 2017)
  11. Sticks of the Shaman 1:43 (20 Nov 2017)
  12. Uncertain Atmosphere 1:46 (20 Nov 2017)
  13. Blood in the Sand 1:33 (20 Nov 2017)
  14. Creeper 2:01 (30 Nov 2017)
  15. Tombstones 1:41 (30 Nov 2017)
  16. Satan’s Hounds 1:59 (30 Nov 2017)
  17. The Hunted 1:19 (30 Nov 2017)
  18. The Cycle Speaks 1:03 (03 Jan 2018)
  19. Righteous Lessons 1:10 (03 Jan 2018)
  20. Left In Time 6:07 (03 Jan 2018)
  21. United World 3:20 (23 Mar 2018)
  22. Two Track Mind 2:43 (27 Apr 2018)
  23. Total Vengeance 2:32 (27 Apr 2018)
  24. Escape Route 2:28 (27 Apr 2018)
  25. Moral Panic 2:51 (27 Apr 2018)
  26. Crunch Time 1:37 (20 Jun 2018)
  27. Blind Fury 2:32 (10 Aug 2018)
  28. Sledgehammer 1:17 (25 Sep 2018)
  29. The Chase 1:13 (25 Sep 2018)
  30. Death Dance 1:02 (25 Sep 2018)
  31. Time for War 1:13 (25 Sep 2018)
  32. Heavy Load 1:14 (25 Sep 2018)
  33. Marching Orders 1:04 (25 Sep 2018)
  34. Blunt Force 1:05 (25 Sep 2018)
  35. Calm Before the Storm 1:02 (25 Sep 2018)
  36. Industrial Momentum 1:07 (25 Sep 2018)
  37. Signal Intercept 1:03 (25 Sep 2018)
  38. Gatekeeper 1:51 (25 Sep 2018)
  39. Solar Winds 1:37 (25 Sep 2018)
  40. Get the Guy 2:15 (27 Oct 2018)
  41. Get the Guy (no vocals) 2:18 (27 Oct 2018)
  42. Overcoming Adversity 2:10 (01 Jul 2021)
  43. Overcoming Adversity (guitar focus) 2:02 (01 Jul 2021)
  44. Overcoming Adversity (no percussion) 2:10 (01 Jul 2021)
  45. Overcoming Adversity (synth focus) 2:06 (01 Jul 2021)
  46. Overcoming Adversity (60) 1:03 (01 Jul 2021)
  47. Overcoming Adversity (60 industrial) 1:03 (01 Jul 2021)
  48. Overcoming Adversity (30) 0:34 (01 Jul 2021)
  49. Overcoming Adversity (30 synth focus) 0:35 (01 Jul 2021)
  50. The Event 2:12 (15 Nov 2021)
All Recordings By Results >>

Credited as (3)

  1. Jordan Kareem Rees
  2. Jordan Rees
  3. Jordan Kareem Rees & Jono Buchanan

Works (51)


  1. United World
  2. Crunch Time
  3. Get the Guy
  4. Glorious Return
  5. Onwards to Battle
  6. Rebellion
  7. Strength and Solidarity
  8. Blind Fury
  9. The Event
  10. Uncertain Atmosphere
  11. Blood in the Sand
  12. The Fires of War
  13. Everyman's War
  14. Incorrect Data
  15. Inevitable Drift
  16. Two Track Mind
  17. Total Vengeance
  18. Escape Route
  19. Moral Panic
  20. The Screamer
  21. Seven Apes
  22. Drums of a Dynasty
  23. Border Crossing
  24. Boar Hunting
  25. Forgotten Echoes
  26. Sea of Sand
  27. An Air of Tension
  28. Dust Trails
  29. Sticks of the Shaman
  30. Glimmer from the Past
  31. In the Moonlight
  32. Time to Go
  33. Pack Your Bags
  34. Total Domination
  35. Overcoming Adversity
  36. Creeper
  37. Tombstones
  38. Gatekeeper
  39. Solar Winds
  40. Sledgehammer
  41. The Chase
  42. Death Dance
  43. Time for War
  44. Heavy Load
  45. Marching Orders
  46. Blunt Force
  47. Calm Before the Storm
  48. Industrial Momentum
  49. Signal Intercept
  50. Satan’s Hounds
All Works Results >>

Links (4)

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