常田大希 (15 May 1992 - )

Male Person - Japan

 Also known as (1)

Relationships (2)

Member Of

  2. King Gnu lead vocals, cello, keyboard, guitar, piano, double bass

On Recordings (41)


  1. 爱丽丝 3:09 米津玄師 (01 Nov 2017)
  2. KICK BACK 3:13 米津玄師 (12 Oct 2022)


  1. 爱丽丝 3:09 米津玄師 (01 Nov 2017) keyboard, guitar
  2. 白日 4:36 King Gnu (22 Feb 2019) cello, guitar, piano, double bass
  3. 3:23 King Gnu (11 Oct 2019) cello, guitar, piano, double bass
  4. 壇上 5:40 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020) cello, guitar, piano, double bass
  5. 閉会式 1:29 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020) cello, guitar, piano, double bass
  6. 小さな惑星 2:31 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020) cello, guitar, piano, double bass
  7. Teenager Forever 3:09 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020) cello, guitar, piano, double bass
  8. ユーモア 3:27 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020) cello, guitar, piano, double bass
  9. 開会式 0:49 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020) cello, guitar, piano, double bass
  10. 幕間 0:56 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020) cello, guitar, piano, double bass
  11. どろん 3:02 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020) cello, guitar, piano, double bass
  12. 一途 3:10 King Gnu (10 Dec 2021) electric guitar
  13. KICK BACK 3:13 米津玄師 (12 Oct 2022) electric bass guitar, electric guitar


  1. 白日 4:36 King Gnu (22 Feb 2019)
  2. 3:23 King Gnu (11 Oct 2019)
  3. どろん 3:02 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  4. 幕間 0:56 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  5. 開会式 0:49 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  6. ユーモア 3:27 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  7. 小さな惑星 2:31 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  8. 壇上 5:40 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  9. 閉会式 1:29 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  10. Teenager Forever 3:09 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  11. 一途 3:10 King Gnu (10 Dec 2021) lead vocals


  1. 爱丽丝 3:09 米津玄師 (01 Nov 2017)
  2. 三文小説 4:41 King Gnu (30 Oct 2020)
  3. 千両役者 3:00 King Gnu (02 Dec 2020)
  4. 一途 3:10 King Gnu (10 Dec 2021)
  5. KICK BACK 3:13 米津玄師 (12 Oct 2022)


  1. 白日 4:36 King Gnu (22 Feb 2019)
  2. 3:23 King Gnu (11 Oct 2019)
  3. 開会式 0:49 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  4. 幕間 0:56 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  5. ユーモア 3:27 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  6. Teenager Forever 3:09 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  7. どろん 3:02 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  8. 壇上 5:40 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  9. 閉会式 1:29 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)
  10. 小さな惑星 2:31 King Gnu (15 Jan 2020)

Works (104)


  1. 開会式
  2. どろん
  3. Teenager Forever
  4. ユーモア
  5. 幕間
  6. 小さな惑星
  7. Overflow
  8. 壇上
  9. 閉会式
  10. Sympa Ⅳ
  11. Sympa Ⅲ
  12. Sympa Ⅱ
  13. Sympa Ⅰ
  14. Slumberland
  15. Flash!!!
  16. Sorrows
  17. Hitman
  18. Don’t Stop the Clocks
  19. It’s a small world
  20. Bedtown
  21. Prayer X
  22. The hole
  23. 硝子窓
  24. 2〇45
  25. 飛行艇
  26. BOY
  27. 逆夢
  29. Hyakki Yagyo
  30. Bon Dance
  31. Trepanation
  32. Deadbody
  33. Plankton
  34. lost and found
  35. matsuri no ato
All Works Results >>


  1. Stardom
  2. 雨燦々
  3. BOY
  4. カメレオン
  7. ):阿修羅:(
  8. 2 Μ Ο Я Ο
  9. W●RK
  11. Fireworks and Flying Sparks
  13. 飛行艇
All Works Results >>

Links (24)

Other Databases

  1. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=177570
  2. https://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlna/001351473
  3. https://www.worldcat.org/identities/containsVIAFID/25159761107507880677
  4. http://anison.info/data/person/44028.html

Lyrics Page

  1. https://genius.com/artists/Daiki-tsuneta


  1. https://www.last.fm/music/%E5%B8%B8%E7%94%B0%E5%A4%A7%E5%B8%8C


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/6021351


  1. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0003552087


  1. https://vgmdb.net/artist/20869


  1. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8446835/


  1. http://viaf.org/viaf/25159761107507880677


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q77810631

Stream For Free

  1. https://www.deezer.com/artist/12944627
  2. https://open.spotify.com/artist/0TYEbkgBxLZsYDvRIsyJ2Z
  3. https://open.spotify.com/artist/1O2arZhNzF73tGV8Igbcod

Purchase Music For Download

  1. https://recochoku.jp/artist/2000684207/
  2. https://mora.jp/artist/735477/

Purchase Music For Mail-Order

  1. https://tower.jp/artist/2879867

Streaming Page

  1. https://music.amazon.com/artists/B01MXLNQFF
  2. https://music.apple.com/jp/artist/1263089389


  1. https://artist.cdjournal.com/a/millenium-parade/221765

Social Networking

  1. https://www.instagram.com/daikitsuneta/
  2. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008376551725
  3. https://twitter.com/DaikiTsuneta