Bohumil Kulínský (25 Aug 1910 - 11 Apr 1988)

Male Person - Czechia chorus master, 1910-1988

Relationships (3)


  1. Dětský pěvecký sbor Československého rozhlasu


  1. Blanka Kulínská


  1. Bohumil Kulínský

On Recordings (12)


  1. A Ceremony of Carols: In Freezing Winter Night 3:28 Prague Radio Children's Chorus, Libuše Váchalová, Bohumil Kulínský (14 Oct 1997)
  2. A Ceremony of Carols: This Little Babe 1:36 Prague Radio Children's Chorus, Libuše Váchalová, Bohumil Kulínský (14 Oct 1997)
  3. A Ceremony of Carols: As Dew in Aprille 1:05 Prague Radio Children's Chorus, Libuše Váchalová, Bohumil Kulínský (14 Oct 1997)
  4. A Ceremony of Carols: That Yonge Child 1:39 Prague Radio Children's Chorus, Libuše Váchalová, Bohumil Kulínský (14 Oct 1997)
  5. A Ceremony of Carols: Balulalow 1:20 Prague Radio Children's Chorus, Libuše Váchalová, Bohumil Kulínský (14 Oct 1997)
  6. A Ceremony of Carols: Adam Lay Ibounden 1:19 Prague Radio Children's Chorus, Libuše Váchalová, Bohumil Kulínský (14 Oct 1997)
  7. A Ceremony of Carols: Interlude 4:24 Prague Radio Children's Chorus, Libuše Váchalová, Bohumil Kulínský (14 Oct 1997)
  8. A Ceremony of Carols: There Is No Rose 2:22 Prague Radio Children's Chorus, Libuše Váchalová, Bohumil Kulínský (14 Oct 1997)
  9. A Ceremony of Carols: Recession 2:03 Prague Radio Children's Chorus, Libuše Váchalová, Bohumil Kulínský (14 Oct 1997)
  10. A Ceremony of Carols: Procession 1:45 Prague Radio Children's Chorus, Libuše Váchalová, Bohumil Kulínský (14 Oct 1997)
  11. A Ceremony of Carols: Wolcum Yole! 1:30 Prague Radio Children's Chorus, Libuše Váchalová, Bohumil Kulínský (14 Oct 1997)
  12. A Ceremony of Carols: Spring Carol 1:14 Prague Radio Children's Chorus, Libuše Váchalová, Bohumil Kulínský (14 Oct 1997)

Credited as (1)

  1. Prague Radio Children's Chorus, Libuše Váchalová, Bohumil Kulínský

Links (3)

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