Jason Kui ( - )

Male Person - Hong Kong guitarist based in Virginia, US

Releases (6)



  1. Absence of Words 13 Oct 2017
  2. Naka 14 Feb 2020


  1. Now! You! Know! 29 Sep 2017
  2. Splash! 07 Feb 2020
  3. Sky Rush 02 Mar 2021
  4. Thundershine 20 Jul 2022

Recordings by (17)

  1. Polarized 4:41 (13 Oct 2017)
  2. Reactive Impulse 4:54 (13 Oct 2017)
  3. Dance of Awakening (The Spirit) 5:39 (13 Oct 2017)
  4. Squeaky Switch 5:02 (13 Oct 2017)
  5. Moving On 4:00 (13 Oct 2017)
  6. Splash! 5:37 (07 Feb 2020)
  7. Pixel Invasion (feat. Andy James) 5:14 (14 Feb 2020)
  8. Interlude / Roseneath 1:46 (14 Feb 2020)
  9. Naka (feat. Andy Timmons) 5:32 (14 Feb 2020)
  10. Mean Bird (feat. Tom Quayle) 3:46 (14 Feb 2020)
  11. The Creator / The Destroyer (feat. Poh Hock) 6:50 (14 Feb 2020)
  12. Dance of Awakening The Spirit Part II, The Ballad of The Headless Horseman 9:43 (14 Feb 2020)
  13. Games Brown (Hey!) 4:25 (14 Feb 2020)
  14. Intro to Then and Now 1:16 (14 Feb 2020)
  15. Then and Now 3:52 (14 Feb 2020)
  16. Sky Rush 5:59 (02 Mar 2021)
  17. Thundershine 5:45 (20 Jul 2022)

On Recordings (10)


  1. 七點半鐘的陽光 4:11 MC 張天賦 (2014)
  2. 有淚多好 4:13 林奕匡 (31 Jul 2017)
  3. 家常便飯 3:29 林奕匡 (18 Dec 2017)


  1. 飛吧!獨角仙 3:20 小塵埃 (16 Feb 2015) acoustic guitar
  2. 相安無事 3:45 周柏豪 (2015) guitar
  3. 磨牙 4:19 周柏豪 (2015) guitar
  4. 天下大亂 4:17 周柏豪 (2015) guitar
  5. 化險為夷 3:19 小塵埃 (20 Jun 2016) guitar
  6. 卜卜卜 4:00 小塵埃 (16 Aug 2016) guitar
  7. 金草莓 4:29 陳柏宇 (31 May 2019) guitar

Credited as (6)

  1. Jason Kui
  2. Jason Kui featuring Rafa de la Garza
  3. Jason Kui featuring Josh Smith
  4. Jason Kui & 乙女シンドリーム
  5. Jason Kui feat. Andy James
  6. Jason Kui & Josh Smith

Links (4)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/6272120

Stream For Free

  1. https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ua3BbXvBOSqAewwD4QQRc


  1. https://jasonkui.bandcamp.com/

Social Networking

  1. https://www.instagram.com/jkui/