OCP Session Choir ( - )

Choir - Oregon associated with Oregon Catholic Press

Recordings by (102)

  1. Evening Hymn 1:18 (01 May 2012)
  2. Introductory Rites: Greeting 0:47 (01 May 2012)
  3. Penitiential Act (Confiteor) 0:09 (01 May 2012)
  4. Penitential Act: Dialogue 0:48 (01 May 2012)
  5. Penitential Act with Invocations 1:11 (01 May 2012)
  6. Lord, Have Mercy 0:38 (01 May 2012)
  7. Kyrie, Eleison 0:40 (01 May 2012)
  8. Gloria 1:42 (01 May 2012)
  9. Universal Prayer 0:46 (01 May 2012)
  10. May the Lord Accept the Sacrifice 0:28 (01 May 2012)
  11. Preface Dialogue 0:28 (01 May 2012)
  12. Holy 0:36 (01 May 2012)
  13. We Proclaim Your Death 0:22 (01 May 2012)
  14. When We Eat This Bread 0:21 (01 May 2012)
  15. Save Us, Savior 0:21 (01 May 2012)
  16. Amen 0:09 (01 May 2012)
  17. The Lord’s Prayer 2:08 (01 May 2012)
  18. Lamb of God 0:43 (01 May 2012)
  19. Lord, I Am Not Worthy That You Should Enter 0:31 (01 May 2012)
  20. The Concluding Rites: Greeting/Blessing 0:22 (01 May 2012)
  21. Dismissal (Verse and Response: Go Forth) 0:12 (01 May 2012)
  22. Dismissal (Verse and Response: Go and Announce) 0:13 (01 May 2012)
  23. Dismissal (Verse and Response: Go in Peace, Glorifying the Lord) 0:14 (01 May 2012)
  24. Dismissal (Verse and Response: Go in Peace) 0:12 (01 May 2012)
  25. Dismissal: Easter Solemn (Verse and Response) 0:54 (01 May 2012)
  26. Asperges Me - Chant Mass 1:48 (01 May 2012)
  27. Vidi Aquam - Chant Mass 1:44 (01 May 2012)
  28. Kyrie - Chant Mass 0:54 (01 May 2012)
  29. Post Consecrationem - Chant Mass 0:41 (01 May 2012)
  30. Amen - Chant Mass 0:35 (01 May 2012)
  31. Pater Noster - Chant Mass 2:11 (01 May 2012)
  32. Eastertide Alleluia 0:31 (01 May 2012)
  33. Credo III 3:18 (01 May 2012)
  34. Danish Amen 0:30 (01 May 2012)
  35. On Jordan’s Bank 1:58 (01 May 2012)
  36. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly 1:32 (01 May 2012)
  37. Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow 1:59 (01 May 2012)
  38. The Snow Lay on the Ground 1:56 (01 May 2012)
  39. God of Eve and God of Mary 1:29 (01 May 2012)
  40. God of Adam, God of Joseph 1:29 (01 May 2012)
  41. The First Nowell 2:05 (01 May 2012)
  42. When Jesus Comes to Be Baptized 2:19 (01 May 2012)
  43. Parce Domine / Spare Your People, Lord 1:39 (01 May 2012)
  44. Somebody’s Knockin’ at Your Door 1:53 (01 May 2012)
  45. Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley 1:53 (01 May 2012)
  46. Hosanna to the Son of David 0:44 (01 May 2012)
  47. Ubi Caritas (Where True Charity and Love Dwell) 3:29 (01 May 2012)
  48. A Mighty Fortress 3:13 (01 May 2012)
  49. Were You There 3:14 (01 May 2012)
  50. Litany of the Saints 3:43 (01 May 2012)
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  1. OCP Session Choir