Raphael Malfliet (1990 - )

Male Person - Belgium Belgian jazz/contemporary/improv bass guitarist

Relationships (4)

Member Of

  1. Human Show bass guitar
  2. Raphael Malfliet Large Ensemble eponymous, bass guitar
  3. The Outpost Quartet bass guitar
  4. Grundstein

On Recordings (9)


  1. Orbital Decay I 3:00 Raphael Malfliet Large Ensemble (05 Apr 2019)
  2. Scintilation 8:05 Raphael Malfliet Large Ensemble (05 Apr 2019)
  3. Supersonic 7:17 Raphael Malfliet Large Ensemble (05 Apr 2019)
  4. Aborescence 15:22 Raphael Malfliet Large Ensemble (05 Apr 2019)
  5. Orbital Decay III 1:29 Raphael Malfliet Large Ensemble (05 Apr 2019)
  6. Blazar 3:09 Raphael Malfliet Large Ensemble (05 Apr 2019)
  7. Parcours 7:45 Raphael Malfliet Large Ensemble (05 Apr 2019)
  8. Orbital Decay II 0:55 Raphael Malfliet Large Ensemble (05 Apr 2019)
  9. Trajectory 8:00 Raphael Malfliet Large Ensemble (05 Apr 2019)

Works (9)


  1. Aborescence
  2. Supersonic
  3. Orbital Decay I
  4. Orbital Decay II
  5. Orbital Decay III
  6. Scintilation
  7. Blazar
  8. Parcours
  9. Trajectory

Links (5)

Official Homepages

  1. http://www.raphaelmalfliet.com/


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/5553043

Social Networking

  1. https://www.facebook.com/raphael.malfliet
  2. http://vi.be/raphaelmalfliet


  1. https://soundcloud.com/raphael-malfliet