Maher Shalal Hash Baz (1984 - )

Group - Japan Japanese band

Releases (14)


Album - Live

  1. マヘル国立気分 Live 1984–85 20 Feb 2006


  1. Return Visit to Rock Mass 1996
  2. From a Summer to Another Summer (An Egypt to Another Egypt) 2000
  3. Souvenir de mauve 2000
  4. Maher on Water 2002
  5. Blues du jour 17 Nov 2003
  6. Faux départ 31 Oct 2004
  7. L’autre cap 23 Jan 2007
  8. C’est la dernière chanson 21 Jul 2009
  9. Hello New York 05 May 2016
  10. Musique après la fin de la férmentation 2017


  1. Open Field 2003

Other - Live

  1. Live Aoiheya January 2003 2005

Relationships (14)


  1. 工藤冬里 original
  2. John Chantler
  3. Zach Phillips
  4. 高橋朝
  5. 篠田昌已
  6. 高橋幾郎
  7. 柴山伸二
  8. 植野隆司
  9. 工藤礼子
  10. 三谷雅史
  11. Koji Shibuya
  12. 向井千惠
  13. 穂高亜希子
  14. 大谷直樹

Recordings by (559)

  1. Maher Shalal Hash Baz 5:03 (1992)
  2. Tapes (Tuning/Casey Don't You Know How it Makes Me So Damn Crazy/うつ病のくすりーThe Night of Notins) 9:48 (Sep 1993)
  3. Unknown Happiness 2:40 (1996)
  4. Ruach 0:16 (1996)
  5. Nephesh 0:18 (1996)
  6. Butterfly 0:38 (1996)
  7. Mc² = E 0:26 (1996)
  8. O Most Beautiful One Among Women 0:54 (1996)
  9. Waltz 1:27 (1996)
  10. Good-Bye 0:28 (1996)
  11. A Pouring Rain in Spring 2:06 (1996)
  12. Asking the Protection on My Way Home 2:03 (1996)
  13. The Last Day II 2:22 (1996)
  14. This Side of Paradise 2:46 (1996)
  15. The Order of Priority 0:18 (1996)
  16. My Table 2:03 (1996)
  17. Epignosis 1:59 (1996)
  18. The Last Day 1:54 (1996)
  19. Hard Cake 1:50 (1996)
  20. Resurrection 3:50 (1996)
  21. Flamingo 1:52 (1996)
  22. Fascinating Tendency 2:47 (1996)
  23. Surfer in Spring 2:50 (1996)
  24. Kokubunji City 2:36 (1996)
  25. Please Mr. Glory 4:34 (1996)
  26. Earthquake 1:55 (1996)
  27. No Title in Am 1:05 (1996)
  28. Horse (live) 2:02 (1996)
  29. Cactus Jelly Song 1:37 (1996)
  30. Soaring Skylark 4:12 (1996)
  31. North-Spa 0:34 (1996)
  32. The Seven Seals 2:45 (1996)
  33. Song at Tengenji Intersection 2:43 (1996)
  34. Street Corner College 4:08 (1996)
  35. Cupbearer's Instrument 2:13 (1996)
  36. September Come I Will 1:41 (1996)
  37. Half-Blood 0:10 (1996)
  38. Avenge 0:11 (1996)
  39. A Walk 0:11 (1996)
  40. Mushuroom 0:10 (1996)
  41. Beer in September 1:15 (1996)
  42. Dark Blue and Bright Yellow 0:21 (1996)
  43. Turn Back and See the Suicide of Dusty Globoseness 0:45 (1996)
  44. Black, Gold and Silver on Papyrus 0:23 (1996)
  45. Le Petit Patio 0:15 (1996)
  46. 628-8697 0:14 (1996)
  47. Mulberry 0:18 (1996)
  48. Anecudote 0:17 (1996)
  49. Forestallment 0:24 (1996)
  50. Summer 3:43 (1996)
All Recordings By Results >>

Credited as (6)

  1. Maher Shalal Hash Baz
  2. Bill Wells & Maher Shalal Hash Baz
  3. Zach Phillips w/ Maher Shalal Hash Baz
  4. Little Wings & Maher Shalal Hash Baz
  5. Maher Shalal Hash Baz / The Curtains
  6. Little Wings& Maher Shalal Hash Baz

Events (1)

Main Performer At

  1. Roskilde Festival 2007, day 6: Astoria time

Links (5)

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