madam data ( - )

Non-binary Person - Philadelphia

Releases (1)



  1. The Gospel of the Devourer 16 Jul 2021

Recordings by (15)

  1. Luminosity #10 2:23 (04 Apr 2018)
  2. church9 1:42 (24 Oct 2018)
  3. A soldier came to us from the army of the Pretender, a deserter - "follow me", it said - "and I will show you where he bleeds" 9:04 (16 Jul 2021)
  4. we followed: as centuries passed, our guns became curse-rifles and our ships turned into demons, yet we turned our backs on war 2:17 (16 Jul 2021)
  5. but in the purple light of the heavy star a blow was struck, and we cursed our hands as they grew into talons, and sang out regret as we choked our enemies with our own entrails 5:29 (16 Jul 2021)
  6. Alongside the battle, those in the twilight nebula sat, watching and biding their time. They were farmers and machinists, midwives and poets; they too knew Death. 1:15 (16 Jul 2021)
  7. It came to be called the War of Accretion; and its violence tore asunder the laws of Gravity itself 7:16 (16 Jul 2021)
  8. and the grief of civilisations rang out into the depths of time 2:48 (16 Jul 2021)
  9. We brooked no heroes, yet they whispered of the Saint who massacred a trillion soldiers on the cusp of Orion 5:11 (16 Jul 2021)
  10. We pursued him on a gossamer thread of stars, through the heart of the dark galaxy, and there impaled him on a spire of crystallized time 4:45 (16 Jul 2021)
  11. Flowers grew along the paths where the bodies of the fallen had sprouted vines to tear apart their enemies 2:18 (16 Jul 2021)
  12. In the emptiness beyond emptinesses, between the galaxies, between the Weight and the Light, the last hunter writes into the ultraviolet rings of the final supernovae: 6:03 (16 Jul 2021)
  13. “An end to endings: a war to end wars: the lie. An ethnography of the vacuum, writ in spinal fluid and dark matter. We have come to know that we are not luminous; only opaque beyond understanding, unending and inevitable" 8:56 (16 Jul 2021)
  14. and at the end of space and time, we flayed the body of the ancient enemy and made his body into food for stars and the birth of new constellations 3:36 (16 Jul 2021)
  15. our leaders are cowards ?:?? (03 Mar 2024)

On Recordings (1)


  1. Zami 2:01 Moor Mother (02 Jun 2021)

Credited as (3)

  1. Madam Data
  2. madam data & savan depaul
  3. madam data

Links (4)

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