Евгения Фёдоровна Смоленская
(1919 - 1989)
Female Person - Russia
On Recordings (13)
Pique Dame: "I am frightened"
Andrej Ivanov, Pavel Lisitsian, Georgi Nelepp, Eugenya Smolenskaya, Evgenya Verbitskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Pique Dame: Act I, Scene II. “It is evening. The clouds are fading away”
Eugenya Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik‐Pashaev
Pique Dame: "Finally God has sent us a sunny little day!"
Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Fedor Godovkin, Andrej Ivanov, Pavel Lisitsian, Georgi Nelepp, Eugenya Smolenskaya, Vsevolod Tyutynnik, Evgenya Verbitskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik‐Pashaev
Pique Dame: "Who, ardently and passionately loving!"
Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Georgi Nelepp, Veniamin Shevtsov, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Vsevolod Tyutynnik, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Pique Dame: "Evening already"
Vera Borisenko, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Pique Dame: "Everything is as she told me"
Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Nadezhda Kosytsina, Georgi Nelepp, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Pique Dame: "Don't be frightened!"
Georgi Nelepp, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Pique Dame: "It's time now to be breaking up"
Vera Borisenko, Naina-Elena Korneyeva, Nadezhda Kosytsina, Georgi Nelepp, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Evgenia Verbitskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Pique Dame: "Bewitching! Enchanting"
Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Vera Borisenko, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Pique Dame: "Midnight is already nearing"
Eugenia Smolenskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Pique Dame: "Stay for one moment"
Pavel Lisitsian, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Pique Dame: "But if the clock strikes out in reply to me"
Georgi Nelepp, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Чародейка: Действие 4: Ариозо Настасьи “Где же ты, мой желанный? Я здесь...”
Евгения Смоленская, Оркестр Большого Театра, Василий Небольсин
Credited as (22)
Евгения Смоленская, Оркестр Большого Театра, Василий Небольсин
Vera Borisenko, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Vera Borisenko, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Nadezhda Kosytsina, Georgi Nelepp, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Georgi Nelepp, Veniamin Shevtsov, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Vsevolod Tyutynnik, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Georgi Nelepp, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Eugenia Smolenskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Pavel Lisitsian, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Vera Borisenko, Naina-Elena Korneyeva, Nadezhda Kosytsina, Georgi Nelepp, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Evgenia Verbitskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Pyotr Tchaikovsky; Georgy Nelepp, Evgenya Smolenskaya, Pavel Lisitsian, Evgenya Verbitskaya, Chorus and Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik‐Pashaev
Eugenya Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik‐Pashaev
Andrej Ivanov, Pavel Lisitsian, Georgi Nelepp, Eugenya Smolenskaya, Evgenya Verbitskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik-Pashaev
Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Fedor Godovkin, Andrej Ivanov, Pavel Lisitsian, Georgi Nelepp, Eugenya Smolenskaya, Vsevolod Tyutynnik, Evgenya Verbitskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexander Melik‐Pashaev
Nikolaï Rimski-Korsakov; Ivan Petrov, Vladimir Ivanovski, Elena Smolenskaia, Galina Oleinitchenko, Marc Rechetine, Chœurs et Orchestre du Théâtre Bolchoï, Vassili Nebolssine
Elena Smolenskaya With The Orchestra Of The Bolshoi Theatre
Иван Козловский, Алексей Кривченя, Евгения Смоленская, Оркестр Большого театра, Евгений Светланов
Иван Козловский, Евгения Смоленская, Оркестр Большого театра, Евгений Светланов
Алексей Кривченя, Евгения Смоленская, Оркестр Большого театра, Евгений Светланов
Алексей Кривченя, Евгения Смоленская, Хор Большого театра, Оркестр Большого театра, Евгений Светланов
Иван Скобцов, Евгения Смоленская, Иван Козловский, Вероника Борисенко, Маргарита Миглау, Хор Большого театра, Оркестр Большого театра, Евгений Светланов
Евгения Смоленская, Вера Туманова, Оркестр Большого театра, Евгений Фёдорович Светланов
Иван Козловский, Вера Туманова, Вероника Борисенко, Евгения Смоленская, Алексей Кривченя, Оркестр Большого театра, Евгений Светланов
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