Doktorb ( - )


Releases (2)



  1. ultimate cringe compilation 09 Feb 2021 (as doktorb)

Album - Compilation

  1. erratum 31 Aug 2023 (as doktorb)

Recordings by (42)

  1. tmprl_singularit33z 0:01 (04 Feb 2018)
  2. o0okkvlt dr0nn)))e strykz 3:01 (24 Mar 2018)
  3. koszmicc unk0nxiouz 3:09 (21 May 2018)
  4. ...but with a whimper 1:56 (25 Jun 2018)
  5. muzik_l tr(0)lulz 2:43 (30 Sep 2018)
  6. aughisky 2:30 (31 Oct 2018)
  7. Too Much, Too Fast (remix) 2:38 (29 Mar 2019)
  8. wwwweaponiXe(d) 2:52 (17 Jul 2019)
  9. Friendship in the Jaws of a Terrible Machine 2:32 (30 Jul 2019)
  10. Carbon-based Ideological Pathogen 2:11 (19 Jan 2020)
  11. technological fucking civilisation 1:11 (18 Jul 2020)
  12. broken marching machinery 3:39 (04 Aug 2020)
  13. Klaang 2:20 (15 Aug 2020)
  14. i don't know who needs to hear this but, vanessa hudgen's says that death is an inevitable part of life 3:05 (09 Feb 2021)
  15. compulsively sadposting into the void hoping he sees this 3:20 (09 Feb 2021)
  16. night of the creepers 2:46 (09 Feb 2021)
  17. you dropped this (poop emoji) king 4:04 (09 Feb 2021)
  18. playing serotonin pinball with the devil at the crossroads 2:19 (09 Feb 2021)
  19. sending unsolicited and overly familiar DMs again 2:10 (09 Feb 2021)
  20. you coward! you can't hide in here forever 3:28 (09 Feb 2021)
  21. The B.I.R.B shall have its revenge on Dennys (What the fuck is up?) 3:00 (08 Aug 2021)
  22. dream threads 4:03 (06 Jan 2023)
  23. miss(connection) 4:24 (31 Aug 2023)
  24. teh suXXor rides again 2:31 (31 Aug 2023)
  25. messagz frof 3:08 (31 Aug 2023)
  26. A(aarr)GH(h).net 3:49 (31 Aug 2023)
  27. cities die for other reasons 2:12 (31 Aug 2023)
  28. mallgoth supreme 3:42 (31 Aug 2023)
  29. snarfzordz 1:49 (31 Aug 2023)
  30. digital self-harm 1:54 (31 Aug 2023)
  31. cerebral burn 2:27 (31 Aug 2023)
  32. friendship in the arms of a terrible machine 2:35 (31 Aug 2023)
  33. konnektiv hellscaep 2:20 (31 Aug 2023)
  34. beebop wasteland 3:03 (31 Aug 2023)
  35. false document technique 2:32 (31 Aug 2023)
  36. gagangland stigmata: the root of all evil 2:24 (31 Aug 2023)
  37. time out of tune 2:51 (31 Aug 2023)
  38. goddamn these shitty reality tunnels 5:20 (31 Aug 2023)
  39. nostalgia virus 3:34 (31 Aug 2023)
  40. Mallgoth Supreme (remix) 4:32 (31 Aug 2023)
  41. (miss)connection (9:25 am remix) 1:51 (31 Aug 2023)
  42. konnektiv hellscaep (remix) 2:27 (31 Aug 2023)

On Recordings (1)


  1. satrun's shedding its rings (doktorb remix) 2:20 s h e e p (05 Aug 2019)

Credited as (7)

  1. First Kings feat. Doktorb
  2. Doktorb
  3. doktorb
  4. Anatomy of the Heads, b l u e s c r e e n, おかげ Magician, Dezmo, Doktorb, Kintsugist, GAMOR VAPOR, Metusynth, Psychic Slime, Sakura Pups, ⁂V‡▲D‡M∇R⁂ & Waffle Assembly
  5. b l u e s c r e e n, おかげ Magician, Dezmo, Doktorb, Kintsugist, GAMOR VAPOR, Metusynth, Psychic Slime, Sakura Pups, ⁂V‡▲D‡M∇R⁂ & Waffle Assembly
  6. SOFT//:SOUNDSft. Doktorb
  7. Valet Girls ft. doktorb

Links (2)



