Leon Ashley Butler ( - )

Male Person - production music composer

 Also known as (1)

Recordings by (25)

  1. Tales From the Sand ?:?? (04 Jan 2011)
  2. Bleak Night ?:?? (04 Jan 2011)
  3. Tales From the Sand (instrumental) (full length) (alternative version) ?:?? (04 Jan 2011)
  4. Bleak Night (instrumental) (full length) (alternative version) ?:?? (04 Jan 2011)
  5. Tales From the Sand (instrumental) (30 sec) ?:?? (04 Jan 2011)
  6. Bleak Night (instrumental) (30 sec) ?:?? (04 Jan 2011)
  7. March to Power 1:07 (03 May 2011)
  8. Rough Seas 1:26 (03 May 2011)
  9. Metal Pirates 1:43 (03 May 2011)
  10. Valiant Defender 1:43 (02 Nov 2011)
  11. Rising Force 1:35 (02 Nov 2011)
  12. Hunter Killer 2:00 (02 Nov 2011)
  13. Dawn of Time 2:00 (02 Nov 2011)
  14. Avengence 1:56 (02 Nov 2011)
  15. Frozen Land 1:17 (13 Nov 2018)
  16. Future Worlds 1:10 (13 Nov 2018)
  17. Day of Reckoning 1:20 (13 Nov 2018)
  18. Haunting Suspense 1:26 (13 Nov 2018)
  19. Valiant Defender (alternative) 0:55 ()
  20. Avengence (alternative) 0:42 ()
  21. Rising Force (alternative) 0:53 ()
  22. Hunter Killer (alternative) 2:00 ()
  23. Dawn of Time (alternative) 0:31 ()
  24. Judgement Day Beckons 0:51 ()
  25. Metal Pirates ?:?? ()

Credited as (4)

  1. Leon Ashley Butler
  2. Leon Butler
  3. Gothic Storm & Leon Butler
  4. Gothic Storm, Leon Butler

Works (12)


  1. Valiant Defender
  2. Frozen Land
  3. Future Worlds
  4. Day of Reckoning
  5. Haunting Suspense
  6. March to Power
  7. Metal Pirates
  8. Rising Force
  9. Hunter Killer
  10. Dawn of Time
  11. Avengence
  12. Rough Seas

Links (2)

Stream For Free

  1. https://open.spotify.com/artist/0P04YugqSQEUFM7OTMEDpW
  2. https://open.spotify.com/artist/7EXjSgJ5X76UK4DbnVA1XA