Martina Veronika Horváth ( - )

Female Person - Hungary singer

Relationships (1)

Member Of

  1. The Answer Lies in the Black Void

On Recordings (22)


  1. Curse 4:42 The Answer Lies in the Black Void (24 Sep 2021)
  2. Barren 4:40 The Answer Lies in the Black Void (24 Sep 2021)
  3. Mina 4:47 The Answer Lies in the Black Void (24 Sep 2021)
  4. Rubicon 6:26 The Answer Lies in the Black Void (24 Sep 2021)
  5. For Nevermore 5:18 The Answer Lies in the Black Void (24 Sep 2021)
  6. Okkultas 4:13 The Answer Lies in the Black Void (24 Sep 2021)
  7. Moult 6:03 The Answer Lies in the Black Void (24 Sep 2021)
  8. Become Undone 4:31 The Answer Lies in the Black Void (24 Sep 2021)
  9. White Dove 1:00 The Answer Lies in the Black Void (24 Sep 2021)


  1. Embersólyom 4:17 Thy Catafalque (22 Nov 2019)
  2. Napút 3:48 Thy Catafalque (24 Jan 2020)
  3. Vető 8:17 Thy Catafalque (24 Jan 2020)
  4. A bolyongás ideje 4:55 Thy Catafalque (24 Jan 2020)
  5. Temple 5:09 Mansur (10 Jul 2020)
  6. Temple Revisited I 4:26 Mansur (10 Jul 2020)
  7. Disciples 5:24 Mansur (10 Jul 2020)
  8. Leyenda 4:07 Mansur (10 Jul 2020)
  9. Pentatonic Ruins 4:58 Mansur (10 Jul 2020)
  10. Szarvas 5:38 Thy Catafalque (28 Apr 2021)
  11. Köszöntsd a hajnalt 4:27 Thy Catafalque (26 May 2021)
  12. Zúzmara 5:33 Thy Catafalque (25 Jun 2021)
  13. Vadak (Az átváltozás rítusai) 12:24 Thy Catafalque (25 Jun 2021)

Works (9)


  1. Mina
  2. Barren
  3. Rubicon
  4. Moult
  5. For Nevermore
  6. Become Undone
  7. Okkultas
  8. White Dove
  9. Curse

Links (2)

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