Michael Linden West (01 Apr 1968 - 30 Mar 2018)

Male Person - United Kingdom guitarist, live music producer

 Also known as (1)

Relationships (1)

Member Of

  1. The Ukrainians (1994 - 2013)

On Recordings (21)


  1. Горілка (Horilka) 2:27 The Ukrainians (1994) bagpipe, mandolin, piano
  2. Політика (Polityka) 3:53 The Ukrainians (1994) bagpipe, mandolin, piano
  3. Слава (Slava) 3:48 The Ukrainians (1994) bagpipe, mandolin, piano
  4. Европа (Europa) 4:04 The Ukrainians (1994) bagpipe, mandolin, piano
  5. Я (Ya) 0:56 The Ukrainians (1994) bagpipe, mandolin, piano
  6. Дякую і Добраніч (Dyakuyu I Dobranich) 2:40 The Ukrainians (1994) bagpipe, mandolin, piano
  7. Кінець (Kinets) 3:37 The Ukrainians (1994) bagpipe, mandolin, piano
  8. УкраїнАмерика (UkrainAmerica) 3:53 The Ukrainians (1994) bagpipe, mandolin, piano
  9. Smert' ・ Смерть 4:34 The Ukrainians (1994) Magyar duda, mandolin, piano
  10. Зілля Зелененьке (Zillya Zelenenke) 3:42 The Ukrainians (1994) bagpipe, mandolin, piano
  11. Циганочка (Tsyhanochka) 2:46 The Ukrainians (1994) bagpipe, mandolin, piano
  12. Київський Експрес (Kievskiy Express) 3:16 The Ukrainians (1994) bagpipe, mandolin, piano
  13. Тиха Вода (Tycha Voda) 3:41 The Ukrainians (1994) bagpipe, mandolin, piano
  14. Діти Революції ・ Dity Revolutsiyi (Children of the Revolution) 3:27 The Ukrainians (2009) electric guitar
  15. Holidays in the Sun ・ Вaкaцiї На Cонці 2:44 The Ukrainians (10 May 2015) electric guitar


  1. Діти Революції ・ Dity Revolutsiyi (Children of the Revolution) 3:27 The Ukrainians (2009) background vocals
  2. Holidays in the Sun ・ Вaкaцiї На Cонці 2:44 The Ukrainians (10 May 2015) background vocals

Recording Engineer For

  1. Easterfaust 20:33 The Cosmic Dead (09 Jun 2014)
  2. Improv Jam 19:16 The Cosmic Dead (09 Jun 2014)
  3. In the White Lodge of Prince Frederick 26:30 河端一 (12 Jan 2015)
  4. In the Black Lodge of Prince Frederick 22:00 河端一 (12 Jan 2015)

Works (11)


  1. Ти ж мене підманула (Ty Zh Mene Pidmanula)
  2. Червона рожа трояка (Three Red Roses)
  3. Горіла сосна (Horila Sosna)(The Pine Tree Was Burning)
  4. Аркан (The Lasso)
  5. Ой видно село (You Can See the Village)
  6. Стоїть явір над водою (The Maple Tree Stood at the Water's Edge)
  7. Ой на горі (Oy Na Hori)(On the Hill)
  8. Реве та стогне Дніпр широкий (The Broad River Dnieper Roars and Moans)
  9. Наливаймо браття (Nalyvaimo Bratya)
  10. О Україно (Oh Ukraine)
  11. Угорський Танець (Uhorskiy Tanets)(Hungarian Dance)

Links (4)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/1058894
  2. https://www.discogs.com/artist/3968959


  1. http://wasistdas.co.uk/news/2018/04/r-i-p-mick-west/


  1. https://soundcloud.com/michael-linden-west