Carl Gerhard ( - )

Male Person -

Relationships (2)

Member Of

  1. Giant Country Horns trumpet
  2. Roomful of Blues trumpet

Recordings by (11)

  1. Northern Leopard Frog [Rana pipiens]: Snores and grunts (1971-04-19 Tompkins Co., NY) 0:37 (2004)
  2. Crawfish Frog [Rana areolata]: Snores, chucks, and wah! calls (1972-04-12 Boone Co., MO) 0:43 (2004)
  3. Cope's Gray Treefrog [Hyla chrysoscelis]: 1. Slow pulse rate trills [eastern] (1969-08-03 Bryan Co., GA); Fast pulse rate trills [western] (1969-07-02 Payne Co., OK) 0:48 (2004)
  4. Bird-voiced Treefrog [Hyla avivoca]: 1. Chorus (1972-07-05 Jasper Co., SC); 2. Peep-series followed by aggressive calls (1969-04-23 Chatham Co., GA) 0:48 (2004)
  5. Strecker's Chorus Frog [Pseudacris streckeri]: Advertisement calls (1973-03-12 Scott Co., MO) 0:37 (2004)
  6. Little Grass Frog [Pseudacris ocularis]: 1. Typical pt-zeee calls (1973-06-11 Bryan Co., GA); Small group (1967-07-17 Bryan Co., GA) 0:45 (2004)
  7. Southern Chorus Frog [Pseudacris nigrita]: Typical calls (1968-03-10 Chatham Co., GA) 0:40 (2004)
  8. Brimley's Chorus Frog [Pseudacris brimleyi]: Advertisement calls (1969-03-02 Chatham Co., GA) 0:35 (2004)
  9. Mountain Chorus Frog [Pseudacris brachyphona]: 1. Advertisement calls (1968-03-17 Dawson Co., GA); 2. Advertisement calls w/ prominent spring peepers (1968-03-17 Dawson Co., GA) 0:49 (2004)
  10. Plains Spadefoot [Spea bombifrons]: Snorelike growls (1976-04-21 Howard Co., MO) 0:49 (2004)
  11. Eastern Narrowmouth Toad [Gastrophryne carolinensis]: 1. Chorus (1973-07-23 Chatham Co., GA); 2. Aggressive calls (1973-07-23 Chatham Co., GA) 0:49 (2004)

On Recordings (2)


  1. Gumbo 5:14 Phish (27 Jun 1995)
  2. Tubthumping 5:21 Phish (23 Nov 1999) trumpet

Credited as (10)

  1. Lieberberg & Loker (provided by Carl Gerhard)
  2. Carl Gerhard & David Lee
  3. Carl Gerhard
  4. Lang Elliott & Carl Gerhard
  5. Carl Gerhard, Lang Elliott & Carl Gerhard
  6. Carl Gerhard & Lang Elliott
  7. Carl Gerhard & Donald Borror
  8. Lang Elliott, Lang Elliott & Carl Gerhard
  9. Carl Gerhard & Bill Turcotte

Links (1)

