Aryanwülf (2014 - )

Group - United States USA black metal

Releases (4)


Album - Compilation

  1. Our Aryan Triumph 20 Apr 2020
  2. Kill the Jews 26 Sep 2020
  3. The Rise of the Einsatzgruppen 01 Oct 2020
  4. Aryan Resurrection 18 Jan 2021

Recordings by (23)

  1. National Socialist Black Metal Terrorism 7:01 (2015)
  2. Aryan Wolf 7:11 (2015)
  3. White Power 7:03 (2015)
  4. The Rise of the Einsatzgruppen (Hail the SS) 5:12 (2015)
  5. At the Dawn of a New Aryan Empire (Sieg Heil) ?:?? (17 Mar 2016)
  6. Heralds of the Ultimate Aryan Warfront ?:?? (17 Mar 2016)
  7. Kill the Jews ?:?? (17 Mar 2016)
  8. Forged by the Blood of Wotan, and Forged by the Words of Adolf Hitler ?:?? (17 Mar 2016)
  9. National Socialist Black Metal Skin Heads (As the Wolves Gather) ?:?? (17 Mar 2016)
  10. Intro 3:01 (2016)
  11. White Power Black Metal 6:51 (2016)
  12. Under the Banner of the Totenkopf 6:48 (2016)
  13. The Sign of the Holy Swastika (A Dedication to Adolf Hitler) 3:31 (2016)
  14. Schwarze Reich 6:33 (2016)
  15. A Raven at My Aryan Funeral 5:20 (2016)
  16. Kill Every Mongrel, Negroid, & Mongolian Scum ?:?? (09 Sep 2018)
  17. Kill All Subhuman Scum 6:48 (18 Dec 2018)
  18. Fuck Antifa 2:43 (18 Dec 2018)
  19. Herald of the Ultimate Aryan Warfront ?:?? (20 Apr 2020)
  20. We Honor the Swastika, the Symbol of Our Aryan Pride ?:?? (20 Apr 2020)
  21. Kill All Niggers, Jews, Spics and Subhuman Scum ?:?? (01 Oct 2020)
  22. Adolf Hitler ?:?? (01 Oct 2020)
  23. Kill All Niggers, Jews, Spics, and Subhuman Scum ?:?? (2020)

Credited as (11)

  1. Aryanwülf / Krigsrop
  2. Aryanwülf
  3. Aryanwülf / Svartr Sturm
  4. Aryanwülf / Gunnolf
  5. Two Runes / Nokturne / Moharebeh / Aryanwülf / Order Of The Death's Head
  6. Suasti / Aryanwülf
  7. Xenophobia / Krigsrop / Aryanwülf
  8. Aryanwülf / Zyklonkrieg88 / 1389 / Battle Kommand 88
  9. Xenophobia / Aryanwülf
  10. Aryanwülf / Kvlt des Todes / Final Solution / Su Asti
  11. Aryanwülf / Грома Глас

Links (2)

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