Orkforge ( - )

Person - Serbia Serbian orkish battle music

Releases (2)



  1. Age of Power 29 Oct 2018
  2. Age of Battle 25 Aug 2019

Relationships (1)

Performance Name Of

  1. Scorpio V

Recordings by (20)

  1. Invocation of Gor 2:27 (29 Oct 2018)
  2. Wrathstorm Klan 2:40 (29 Oct 2018)
  3. Battlefields 1:54 (29 Oct 2018)
  4. March of Iron 1:52 (29 Oct 2018)
  5. Ork‐Shaman 2:07 (29 Oct 2018)
  6. Age of Power 2:40 (29 Oct 2018)
  7. Lord Khaz’ghul’s Forces 2:42 (29 Oct 2018)
  8. Blackstone 3:03 (29 Oct 2018)
  9. Glorious Sons of Shogoth 2:24 (29 Oct 2018)
  10. Reign of the Ork 2:59 (29 Oct 2018)
  11. Hymn to Gor 2:43 (25 Aug 2019)
  12. Towards the Citadel of Sharath 2:54 (25 Aug 2019)
  13. Kronn the Conqueror 2:50 (25 Aug 2019)
  14. Northwind 2:04 (25 Aug 2019)
  15. Blackmarch 2:24 (25 Aug 2019)
  16. Redstorm’s Return 2:26 (25 Aug 2019)
  17. Rise of an Empire 2:55 (25 Aug 2019)
  18. Ogre‐Dragons Awake 2:25 (25 Aug 2019)
  19. Battle of Hammerhold 3:30 (25 Aug 2019)
  20. The Dominion Reforged 2:23 (25 Aug 2019)

Credited as (1)

  1. Orkforge

Links (4)

Other Databases

  1. https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/orkforge


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/7315902


  1. https://orkforge.bandcamp.com/

Social Networking

  1. https://www.facebook.com/orkforge