David Wilczewski (09 Jun 1952 - 22 Aug 2009)

Male Person - Sweden

Releases (1)



  1. Room In The Clouds 17 Apr 2006

Relationships (1)

Member Of

  1. Michael Ruff Band

Recordings by (12)

  1. Mio 5:47 (17 Apr 2006)
  2. Wayne's World 7:21 (17 Apr 2006)
  3. April Fools 5:34 (17 Apr 2006)
  4. Munen-Musou (Room In The Clouds) 6:12 (17 Apr 2006)
  5. Elvin Jones 6:11 (17 Apr 2006)
  6. Fun For Kofi 5:53 (17 Apr 2006)
  7. Lament To B.G. 6:18 (17 Apr 2006)
  8. Gofry In Gdańsk 6:30 (17 Apr 2006)
  9. Blues For Shep 4:02 (17 Apr 2006)
  10. Way Back When 8:17 (17 Apr 2006)
  11. Speedy 8:12 (17 Apr 2006)
  12. For A Smile 1:54 (17 Apr 2006)

On Recordings (50)


  1. Shadows Past 5:43 Steve Smith and Vital Information (1984) saxophone
  2. Future Primitive 6:54 Steve Smith and Vital Information (1984) saxophone
  3. The Adventures of Hector and Jose 7:29 Steve Smith and Vital Information (1984) saxophone
  4. The Strut 5:49 Steve Smith and Vital Information (1984) saxophone
  5. Blade 5:13 Steve Smith and Vital Information (1984) saxophone
  6. Thank You Mr. Edison 4:58 Steve Smith and Vital Information (1984) saxophone
  7. Orion 3:50 Steve Smith and Vital Information (1984) saxophone
  8. Blues to Bappe II 5:48 Steve Smith and Vital Information (1984) saxophone
  9. One Flight Up 6:01 Vital Information (1986) alto saxophone
  10. Traditions in Transition 7:05 Vital Information (1986) tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone
  11. Island Holiday 6:17 Vital Information (1986) soprano saxophone
  12. Novato 6:11 Vital Information (1986) tenor saxophone
  13. Johnny Cat 6:00 Vital Information (1986) tenor saxophone
  14. Blues to Bappe I 6:41 Vital Information (1986) tenor saxophone
  15. Black Eyebrows 4:57 Vital Information (1986) soprano saxophone
  16. Sunday Afternoon 5:03 Vital Information (1988) tenor saxophone
  17. The Chant 6:22 Vital Information (1988) soprano saxophone
  18. Celebration (Fiafiaga) 7:00 Vital Information (1988) tenor saxophone
  19. The Perfect Date 5:34 Vital Information (1988) tenor saxophone
  20. Whenever You're Ready 7:27 Vital Information (1988) tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone, piano
  21. Maltese Connection 5:33 Vital Information (1988) sopranino saxophone, tenor saxophone
  22. 50/50 4:49 Vital Information (1988) tenor saxophone
  23. Please Don't Feel Bad 5:28 Vital Information (1988) alto saxophone
  24. M-B 4:29 Orup (11 Apr 1989) tenor saxophone
  25. Vänd dig om 5:13 Adolphson & Falk (1990) saxophone
  26. Någon som du 4:00 Mauro Scocco (12 Apr 1991) saxophone
  27. Det tar bara en sekund 3:34 Mauro Scocco (12 Apr 1991) saxophone
  28. Om en gammal man 4:04 Mauro Scocco (12 Apr 1991) saxophone
  29. Min cerisa flicka 3:16 Staffan Hellstrand (1992) tenor saxophone
  30. Kärlek ingen ville ha 4:45 Tommy Körberg (1992) tenor saxophone
  31. Magaluf 4:04 Orup (1992) tenor saxophone
  32. Blå, blå is 4:46 Staffan Hellstrand (1992) tenor saxophone
  33. Vid min faders grav 4:54 Orup (01 Jan 1993) saxophone
  34. Vild 3:05 Staffan Hellstrand (1993) tenor saxophone
  35. Victoria 4:16 Magnus Uggla (1993) tenor saxophone
  36. 2:a på bollen 4:02 Magnus Uggla (1993) tenor saxophone
  37. 4 sekunder 4:05 Magnus Uggla (1993) tenor saxophone
  38. Ruva min själ 3:05 Ted Gärdestad (1994) tenor saxophone
  39. Atkal viens 4:40 100. debija (24 May 1996) guest, flute
  40. Choke 3:26 The Cardigans (10 Aug 1996) additional, flute
  41. Never Recover 3:20 The Cardigans (10 Aug 1996) additional, flute
  42. Your New Cuckoo 3:54 The Cardigans (10 Aug 1996) additional, flute
  43. Att vara kär 3:49 Pernilla Wahlgren (1996) saxophone
  44. På spaning i New York 5:37 Albino (1998) guest, tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone
  45. Det går över 5:42 Albino (1998) guest, tenor saxophone
  46. Smällar man får ta 4:23 Albino (1998) guest, tenor saxophone
  47. Grannens gräs 4:00 Albino (1998) guest, tenor saxophone
  48. Vad gör en flicka som du med en sån som han 3:54 Albino (1998) guest, tenor saxophone
  49. Gamla hundar 5:00 Albino (1998) guest, tenor saxophone
  50. Limousine 4:02 Albino (1998) guest, tenor saxophone

Credited as (2)

  1. David Wilczewski
  2. Anders Jormin, David Wilczewski, Thomas Gustafsson, Thomas Jäderlund, Staffan Svensson, Bobo Stenson, Harald Svensson, Göran Klinghagen, Audun Kleive

Works (1)


  1. 50/50

Links (8)

Other Databases

  1. https://d-nb.info/gnd/134815815
  2. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2003071861
  3. https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb14239098d
  4. https://www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-no2003071861


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/324765


  1. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0000190199


  1. http://viaf.org/viaf/79796552


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q15445085