Stephen J. Rieckhoff ( - )

Male Person - cellist

On Recordings (35)


  1. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part I. Recitativo accompagnato ed Aria: “So spricht der Her” / Aria: “Doch wer mag” (bass) 5:24 Marcos Fink, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  2. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part III. Recitativo accompagnato ed Aria: “Sie schallt” (bass) 3:04 Marcos Fink, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  3. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Recitativo: “Zu welchen” / Aria: “Der Herr gab das Wort” (soprano II) 1:26 Magali Dami, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  4. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part I. Recitativo, Aria & Coro: “Denn sieh!” / Aria: “O du, die Wonne” (soprano II, chorus) 6:39 Magali Dami, Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  5. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Recitativo accompagnato: “Er ist dahin aus dem Lande der Lebenden” / Aria: “Doch du liessest ihn” (soprano I) 3:19 Audrey Michael, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  6. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Coro: “Ihr Schall ging aus” (chorus) 1:22 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  7. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part I. Aria: “Erwach' zu Liedern der Wonne” (tenor) 4:12 Hans Peter Blochwitz, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  8. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Aria: “Warum entbrennen” (bass) 5:02 Marcos Fink, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  9. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part I. Recitativo ed Aria: “Dann tut das Auge des Blinden sich auf” / Aria: “Er weidet seine Herde” (soprano I) 5:09 Audrey Michael, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  10. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Coro: “Brecht entzwei” (chorus) 2:05 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  11. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Recitativo: “Der da wohnet im Himmel” / Aria: “Du zerschlägst sie” (tenor) 2:17 Hans Peter Blochwitz, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  12. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Coro: “Machet das Tor weit” (chorus) 3:00 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  13. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Overture 3:00 Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  14. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part I. Coro: “Denn di Herrlichkeit” (chorus) 2:53 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  15. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Coro: “Wie Schafe geh'n” (chorus) 4:11 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  16. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part III. Coro: “Doch Dank sei Dir Gott” (chorus) 4:15 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  17. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part I. Coro: “Uns ist zum” (chorus) 3:38 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  18. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Recitativo accompagnato: “Und alle” (soprano I) / Coro: “Er trauete Gott” (chorus) 2:56 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Audrey Michael, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  19. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Aria: “Wie lieblich” (soprano I) 1:58 Audrey Michael, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  20. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part I. Pifa 2:36 Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  21. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part I. Recitativo accompagnato ed Aria: “Blick auf!” / Aria: “Das Volk” (bass) 7:06 Marcos Fink, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  22. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Coro: “Hallelujah” (chorus) 3:39 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  23. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part III. Coro: “Wie durch Einen der Tod” (chorus) 2:01 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  24. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Coro: “Kommt her” (chorus) 3:00 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  25. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Coro: “Durch seine Wunden” (chorus) 1:53 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  26. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part III. Recitativo ed Duetto: “O Tod, wo ist dein Pfeil” (soprano II, tenor) 2:49 Hans Peter Blochwitz, Magali Dami, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  27. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part III. Coro: “Würdig ist das Lamm” / “Amen” (chorus) 6:35 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  28. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part I. Recitativo accompagnato ed Aria: “Trostet Zion!” 5:43 Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  29. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part III. Aria: “Ich weiß” (soprano I) 5:59 Audrey Michael, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  30. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part I. Coro: “Und er wird” / Recitativo: “Denn sieh!” (chorus) 2:18 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  31. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Aria: “Er ward verschmähet” (soprano II) 10:35 Magali Dami, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  32. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Recitativo accompagnato: “Die Schmach bricht ihm sein Herz” / Aria: “Schautr hin und sieh!” (soprano II) 2:34 Magali Dami, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  33. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part I. Recitativo: “Es waren Hirten” / Recitativo accompagnato: “Und sief!” / Coro: “Ehre sei Gott” (Angel, chorus) 3:11 Magali Dami, Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  34. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part I. Coro: “Sein Joch ist sanft” (chorus) 2:27 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello
  35. Messiah, KV 572, oratorio in three parts for soloists, choir and orchestra: Part II. Coro: “Wahrlich” (chorus) 2:00 Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz (28 Oct 2022) cello

Credited as (9)

  1. Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz
  2. Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz
  3. Marcos Fink, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz
  4. Magali Dami, Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz
  5. Hans Peter Blochwitz, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz
  6. Audrey Michael, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz
  7. Magali Dami, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz
  8. Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Audrey Michael, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz
  9. Hans Peter Blochwitz, Magali Dami, Philippe Corboz, Hans Egidi, Olivier Magnenat, Stephen J. Rieckhoff, Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne, Michel Corboz