Also known as
Recordings By
On Recordings
James Eakin III
( - )
Person -
On Recordings
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: Birthday!
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: Rise of the Sun
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: OMG
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: People of Light
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Fiber
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: Scholars
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Brothers of the Heart
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Mom
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act II: Selfie
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act II: Merry-Go-Round
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act II: The Big Night!
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Treasures
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: Schoolyard
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act II: Busy
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Auto-Correct
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Treasures
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: OMG
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: People of Light
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act II: The Big Night!
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: Birthday!
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act II: Busy
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: Schoolyard
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Fiber
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Auto-Correct
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: Scholars
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Mom
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act II: Selfie
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Brothers of the Heart
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act II: Merry-Go-Round
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: Rise of the Sun
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
We Are the Stars
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: Birthday!
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: Schoolyard
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: OMG
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: Scholars
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act I: Rise of the Sun
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act II: The Big Night!
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act II: Selfie
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act II: Busy
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act II: Merry-Go-Round
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: People of Light
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Brothers of the Heart
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Auto-Correct
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Mom
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Fiber
#twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts: Act III: Treasures