Spencer Taplin ( - )

Male Person - United States

Relationships (1)

Member Of

  1. The Albert Square drums (drum set)

On Recordings (12)


  1. Agnes (I Assume I Know What I’m Doing) 3:15 The Albert Square (15 Dec 2015) drums (drum set)
  2. The Kids Are All Jerks! 2:53 The Albert Square (15 Dec 2015) drums (drum set)
  3. (Nobody is) On Your Team. 2:47 The Albert Square (15 Dec 2015) drums (drum set)
  4. Assuming (Instrumental) 1:04 The Albert Square (15 Dec 2015) drums (drum set)
  5. I Am Not a Closer. 2:39 The Albert Square (15 Dec 2015) drums (drum set)
  6. She Was a Deist 3:17 The Albert Square (15 Dec 2015) drums (drum set)
  7. A Skull. A Door. The Middle of the Desert. (Waldorf) 2:25 The Albert Square (15 Dec 2015) drums (drum set)
  8. Pictures of Your Grandson (Oh, Donald!) 4:00 The Albert Square (15 Dec 2015) drums (drum set)
  9. Pins and Arrows 2:19 The Albert Square (15 Dec 2015) drums (drum set)
  10. Sum of Our Parts 2:28 The Albert Square (15 Dec 2015) drums (drum set)
  11. One Seventh of the Week 2:25 The Albert Square (15 Dec 2015) drums (drum set)
  12. Galesburg, Il 3:06 The Albert Square (15 Dec 2015) drums (drum set)

Links (1)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/8971630