Dave Mattix ( - )

Male Person -

On Recordings (17)


  1. New York City 4:47 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  2. The Startling Secret of Super Sapphire 3:18 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  3. The Red Tornado 3:42 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  4. Kangarooster Meadows 1:23 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  5. Lif 4:45 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  6. I Think We Are Both Suffering From the Same Crushing Metaphysical Crisis 7:24 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  7. Hyperborea 2:45 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  8. Broken Trail 3:16 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  9. The Beach 1:07 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  10. Sex Raptor 3:18 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  11. Murder 4:14 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  12. His Purple Majesty 3:04 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  13. Treasure Train 2:57 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  14. Crickets 1:06 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  15. Face of Bear 4:02 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  16. Rotting Horse 4:28 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant
  17. Crow Town 3:40 HORSE the band (28 Aug 2007) assistant

Links (3)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/599009

Social Networking

  1. https://www.facebook.com/david.mattix
  2. https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-mattix-cts-d-aa0b2165