William Elvin
( - )
Male Person - United Kingdom
On Recordings (50)
William Elvin, Donald Swann
Upon the Hearth the Fire is Red
William Elvin, Donald Swann
In the Willow-Meads of Tasarinan
William Elvin, Donald Swann
I Sit Beside The Fire / Refrain: A Elbereth Gilthoniel
William Elvin, Donald Swann
William Elvin, Donald Swann
The Road Goes Ever On
William Elvin, Donald Swann
In Western Lands
William Elvin, Donald Swann
La traviata: Atto II, Scena I. (conclusion)
Beverly Sills, Nicolai Gedda, Rolando Panerai, Mario Carlin, William Elvin, Mirella Fiorentini, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Aldo Ceccato
La bohème: Atto II. “Quando me n’vò” (Musetta’s Waltz Song)
Ashley Putnam, José Carreras, William Elvin, Håkan Hagegård, Robert Lloyd, Katia Ricciarelli, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
(01 Feb 1985)
La bohème: Atto II. “Beviam!”
Ashley Putnam, José Carreras, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, William Elvin, Håkan Hagegård, Robert Lloyd, Katia Ricciarelli, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
(01 Feb 1985)
Tosca: Atto II. “Nel pozzo del giardino” (Scarpia, Cavaradossi, Tosca, Sciarrone)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Tosca: Atto II. “Ha più forte sapore” (Scarpia, Sciarrone, Spoletta)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Tosca: Atto II. “Tosca è un buon falco!” (Scarpia, Sciarrone)
William Elvin, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Tosca: Atto II. “Orsù, Tosca, parlate” (Scarpia, Tosca, Cavaradossi, Sciarrone)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Tosca: Atto II. “Sciarrone: che dice il Cavalier?” (Scarpia, Sciarrone, Tosca, Cavaradossi)
Montserrat Caballé, José Carreras, William Elvin, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Tosca: Atto III. “Mario Cavaradossi?” (Carceriere, Cavaradossi)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Tosca: Atto III. “L’ora!” (Carceriere, Cavaradossi, Tosca)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Tosca: Atto III. “Presto, su! Mario! Mario!” (Tosca, Sciarrone, Spoletta)
Montserrat Caballé, William Elvin, Piero de Palma, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
La fanciulla del West: Atto I. “Jim, perché piangi?” (Trin, Harry, Joe, Sonora, Bello, Happy, Minatori)
Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Paul Crook, John Dobson, William Elvin, Malcolm King, Robin Leggate, Robert Lloyd, Tom McDonnell, Sherrill Milnes, Jonathan Summers, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Zubin Mehta
La traviata: Atto II, Scena I. "Ah, vive sol quel core" (Alfredo, Guiseppe, Commissionario, Germont)
Nicolai Gedda, Mario Carlin, William Elvin, Rolando Panerai, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Aldo Ceccato
Un giorno di regno: Atto I. Recitativo e Sestetto: "Cara Giulia, alfin ti vedo" / "Madamine, il mio scudiere" / Recitativo e Terzetto: "In te, cugina, io spero"
José Carreras, Fiorenza Cossotto, William Elvin, Wladimiro Ganzarolli, Jessye Norman, Vincenzo Sardinero, Ingvar Wixell, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Lamberto Gardelli
(25 Sep 1989)
Un giorno di regno: Atto I. Scena e Cavatina: "Compagnoni di Parigi" / "Verrà pur troppo il giorno"
John McCarthy, Ambrosian Singers, William Elvin, Wladimiro Ganzarolli, Vincenzo Sardinero, Ingvar Wixell, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Lamberto Gardelli
(25 Sep 1989)
Un giorno di regno: Atto II. Finale II: "Sire, venne in quest'istante" / "Eh! facciamo da buoni amici"
John McCarthy, Ambrosian Singers, José Carreras, Ricardo Cassinelli, Fiorenza Cossotto, William Elvin, Wladimiro Ganzarolli, Jessye Norman, Vincenzo Sardinero, Ingvar Wixell, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Lamberto Gardelli
(25 Sep 1989)
I masnadieri: Atto II, scena 2. Scena e Coro: "Tutto quest'oggi"
Ambrosian Singers, Carlo Bergonzi, William Elvin, New Philharmonia Orchestra, Lamberto Gardelli
I masnadieri: Atto I, scena 1. Aria: "O mio castel paterno"
Ambrosian Singers, Carlo Bergonzi, William Elvin, New Philharmonia Orchestra, Lamberto Gardelli
I masnadieri: Atto I, scena 1. Scena: "Ecco un foglio"
Ambrosian Singers, Carlo Bergonzi, William Elvin, New Philharmonia Orchestra, Lamberto Gardelli
La traviata: Atto II, scena 1. “Dammi tu forza, o cielo! ...Amami, Alfredo” (Violetta, Annina, Alfredo)
William Elvin, Ubaldo Gardini, Marjon Lambriks, Luciano Pavarotti, Joan Sutherland, National Philharmonic Orchestra, Richard Bonynge
(11 Oct 1991)
The Road Goes Ever On: Namárië
William Elvin, Donald Swann
The Road Goes Ever On: Errantry
William Elvin, Donald Swann
The Road Goes Ever On: A Elbereth Gilthoniel
William Elvin, Donald Swann
The Road Goes Ever On: I Sit Beside the Fire
William Elvin, Donald Swann
The Road Goes Ever On: Upon the Hearth the Fire Is Red
William Elvin, Donald Swann
The Road Goes Ever On: In Western Lands
William Elvin, Donald Swann
The Road Goes Ever On: The Road Goes Ever On
William Elvin, Donald Swann
The Road Goes Ever On: In the Willow-Meads of Tasarinan
William Elvin, Donald Swann
La Battaglia di Legnano: “Voi lo diceste” ... “Quante volte” ... “A frenarti, o cor”
Elizabeth Bainbridge, William Elvin, Renata Scotto, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Gianandrea Gavazzeni
Tosca: Atto II. “Ha più forte sapore spoletta è giunto”
William Elvin, Piero de Palma, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
(01 Aug 2006)
Tosca: Atto III. “L’ora! – son pronto”
Montserrat Caballé, José Carreras, William Elvin, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
(01 Aug 2006)
Tosca: Atto II. “Nel pozzo del giardino. Va, spoletta! Eccelenza, quali nuove! – Vittoria!”
Montserrat Caballé, José Carreras, William Elvin, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
(01 Aug 2006)
Tosca: Atto II. “Orsù, Tosca, parlate. Mario, consenti ch’io parli?”
Montserrat Caballé, José Carreras, William Elvin, Piero de Palma, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
(01 Aug 2006)
Das Liebesverbot: Erster Aufzug. "O Gott, was hör ich!" (Isabella, Friedrich, Dorella, Luzio, Claudio, Antonio, Angelo, Pontio, Danieli, Brighella, Chor)
BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Sir Edward Downes
(05 Nov 2012)
Das Liebesverbot: Erster Aufzug. "Du kennest jenen stillen Ort" (Claudio, Antonio, Angelo, Brighella, Danieli, Pontio, Dorella, Chor)
BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Sir Edward Downes
(05 Nov 2012)
Das Liebesverbot: Erster Aufzug. "Sie schweiget in stummem Schmerz" (Angelo, Danieli, Brighella, Dorella, Luzio, Claudio, Antonio, Pontio, Friedrich, Isabella, Chor)
BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Sir Edward Downes
(05 Nov 2012)
Das Liebesverbot: Erster Aufzug. "Verworfnes Volk!" (Friedrich, Antonio, Angelo, Brighella, Danieli, Pontio, Dorella, Claudio, Isabella, Chor, Luzio)
BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Sir Edward Downes
(05 Nov 2012)
Das Liebesverbot: Zweiter Aufzug. "Ihr Heil'gen, welche Schändlichkeit!" (Isabella, Antonio, Angelo, Danieli, Chor, Luzio, Pontio, Mariana, Friedrich, Claudio, Dorella)
BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Sir Edward Downes
(05 Nov 2012)
Das Liebesverbot: Erster Aufzug. "Nun ist's ganz um ihn geschehen" (Dorella, Brighella, Antonio, Pontio, Angelo, Danieli, Chor)
BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Sir Edward Downes
(05 Nov 2012)
Das Liebesverbot: Erster Aufzug. "Maria - wie, o Götterlieb!" (Isabella, Friedrich, Dorella, Luzio, Claudio, Antonio, Pontio, Angelo, Danieli, Brighella, Chor)
BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Sir Edward Downes
(05 Nov 2012)
Das Liebesverbot: Zweiter Aufzug. "Ihr junges Volk, macht euch heran" (Luzio, Antonio, Angelo, Danieli, Chor)
BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Sir Edward Downes
(05 Nov 2012)
Das Liebesverbot: Erster Aufzug. "Ha, ha, ha, ha! Welch neuer Spaß!" (Dorella, Luzio, Antonio, Angelo, Pontio, Danieli, Brighella, Chor)
BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Sir Edward Downes
(05 Nov 2012)
Das Liebesverbot: Zweiter Aufzug. "So recht, ihr wackern jungen Leute!" (Antonio, Chor, Angelo, Danieli, Luzio)
BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, Sir Edward Downes
(05 Nov 2012)
Credited as (21)
Ashley Putnam, Ingvar Wixell, William Elvin, Katia Ricciarelli, José Carreras, Håkan Hagegård & Robert Lloyd
Beverly Sills, Nicolai Gedda, Rolando Panerai, Mario Carlin, William Elvin, Mirella Fiorentini, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Aldo Ceccato
Nicolai Gedda, Mario Carlin, William Elvin, Rolando Panerai, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Aldo Ceccato
William Elvin, Donald Swann
John McCarthy, Ambrosian Singers, William Elvin, Wladimiro Ganzarolli, Vincenzo Sardinero, Ingvar Wixell, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Lamberto Gardelli
José Carreras, Fiorenza Cossotto, William Elvin, Wladimiro Ganzarolli, Jessye Norman, Vincenzo Sardinero, Ingvar Wixell, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Lamberto Gardelli
John McCarthy, Ambrosian Singers, José Carreras, Ricardo Cassinelli, Fiorenza Cossotto, William Elvin, Wladimiro Ganzarolli, Jessye Norman, Vincenzo Sardinero, Ingvar Wixell, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Lamberto Gardelli
Ambrosian Singers, William Elvin, Sherrill Milnes, Wandsworth School Boys’ Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Silvio Varviso
Ambrosian Singers, Carlo Bergonzi, William Elvin, New Philharmonia Orchestra, Lamberto Gardelli
Elizabeth Bainbridge, William Elvin, Renata Scotto, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Gianandrea Gavazzeni
Ashley Putnam, José Carreras, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, William Elvin, Håkan Hagegård, Robert Lloyd, Katia Ricciarelli, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Ashley Putnam, José Carreras, William Elvin, Håkan Hagegård, Robert Lloyd, Katia Ricciarelli, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Paul Crook, John Dobson, William Elvin, Malcolm King, Robin Leggate, Robert Lloyd, Tom McDonnell, Sherrill Milnes, Jonathan Summers, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Zubin Mehta
William Elvin, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
William Elvin, Piero de Palma, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Montserrat Caballé, José Carreras, William Elvin, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Montserrat Caballé, José Carreras, William Elvin, Piero de Palma, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Montserrat Caballé, José Carreras, William Elvin, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
Montserrat Caballé, William Elvin, Piero de Palma, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Sir Colin Davis
William Elvin, Ubaldo Gardini, Marjon Lambriks, Luciano Pavarotti, Joan Sutherland, National Philharmonic Orchestra, Richard Bonynge
Ingvar Wixell, Vicente Sardinero, Wladimiro Ganzarolli, William Elvin, Ambrosian Singers, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra & Lamberto Gardelli
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