Østen Bergøy (06 Jul 1970 - )

Male Person - Norway

Relationships (1)

Member Of

  1. Tristania (1998)

On Recordings (10)


  1. Aphelion 7:50 Tristania (Sep 1999)
  2. Dementia 2:21 Tristania (Sep 1999)
  3. Beyond the Veil 6:38 Tristania (Sep 1999)
  4. Opus Relinque 6:07 Tristania (Sep 1999)
  5. A Sequel of Decay 6:33 Tristania (Sep 1999)
  6. Heretique 4:51 Tristania (Sep 1999)
  7. …of Ruins and a Red Nightfall 6:21 Tristania (Sep 1999)
  8. Simbelmynë 1:00 Tristania (Sep 1999)
  9. Lethean River 5:55 Tristania (Sep 1999)
  10. Aerodyne 4:40 Sirenia (26 Oct 2018) guest

Works (15)


  1. Exile
  2. Year of the Rat
  3. Mercyside
  4. Open Ground
  5. The Ravens
  6. Down
  7. Fate
  8. Lotus
  9. Deadlands
  10. Tender Trip on Earth
  11. The Shining Path
  12. Wormwood
  13. Selling Out
  14. Hatred Grows
  15. World of Glass

Links (5)

Other Databases

  1. https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/osten_bergoy


  1. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%98sten_Berg%C3%B8y


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/276599


  1. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0000250076


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q4025520