The Vinaigrettes ( - )

- Canada

Releases (2)



  1. Atta Boy Girl 1994
  2. Gross Negligée 1996

Recordings by (33)

  1. Vinaigrettes Theme Song / Beatles Rip Off 2:20 (1991)
  2. You Make Me Sick 1:46 (1993)
  3. Juicy Newton ?:?? (1994)
  4. Different Drummer ?:?? (1994)
  5. Vindictive Love Song ?:?? (1994)
  6. Tsunami ?:?? (1994)
  7. Let's Forget The Past ?:?? (1994)
  8. I Don't Want To Know You ?:?? (1994)
  9. Never Again ?:?? (1994)
  10. Rusty Bedsprings ?:?? (1994)
  11. Do You Like Me, Or What? ?:?? (1994)
  12. P.S. I Hate You ?:?? (1994)
  13. I'll Tell A Policeman On You ?:?? (1994)
  14. Love That Hockey Game ?:?? (1994)
  15. Have Patience ?:?? (1994)
  16. Blind Spot ?:?? (1994)
  17. Doctor Tomorrow ?:?? (1994)
  18. Guest List ?:?? (1994)
  19. I Haven't Forgotten You Yet ?:?? (1994)
  20. Story Of My Life ?:?? (1996)
  21. The Last Laugh ?:?? (1996)
  22. Not About $ ?:?? (1996)
  23. Easy Ellie Taylor ?:?? (1996)
  24. Tinker Tailor ?:?? (1996)
  25. A Little Something ?:?? (1996)
  26. Mr. Yuk ?:?? (1996)
  27. Mason St. Blues ?:?? (1996)
  28. Waking Up (Is Hard To Do) ?:?? (1996)
  29. Fairweather Friends ?:?? (1996)
  30. Emotional Band-Aids ?:?? (1996)
  31. Icicles ?:?? (1996)
  32. Ring Of Fire ?:?? (1996)
  33. Fright Train ?:?? (1996)

Credited as (1)

  1. The Vinaigrettes

Links (1)

