MK-Ultra ( - 1999)

Group - United States Chicago thrash/punk band

Releases (1)

Relationships (4)


  1. Ebro Virumbrales
  2. Frank Hanney
  3. Jeff Jelen
  4. Kirk Syrek

Recordings by (62)

  1. Ulcer ?:?? (May 1995)
  2. Killing for College Money ?:?? (1996)
  3. Feed the Christians to the Lions 0:42 (1997)
  4. Mississippi Freedom Summer Project ?:?? (1997)
  5. Good Cop, Bad Cop ?:?? (1997)
  6. Whalers, Jets, Nordiques 0:11 (Mar 1998)
  7. Most Likely To Succeed 0:57 (1998)
  8. ¡lleno De Gusto! 0:46 (1998)
  9. Where Were You In '92? 0:51 (1998)
  10. Husky 1:01 (1998)
  11. Calloused (Chew Your Leg Off) 0:45 (1998)
  12. Worker vs. Parasite 0:53 (1998)
  13. Fuck Decaf! 0:25 (1998)
  14. 80's Teen Sex Flick 0:44 (1998)
  15. At War With Management 0:47 (1998)
  16. Crucifixes and Chain Wallets (Christian Hardcore Is an Oxymoron) 0:38 (1998)
  17. Forgotten 0:46 (1998)
  18. Brotherhood 0:47 (1998)
  19. Suburban Sprawl 1:12 (1998)
  20. Bouffant Headbutt 1:29 (1998)
  21. 52 Fluid Ounces 0:54 (1999)
  22. Once You're Down ?:?? (2000)
  23. Over The Counter Culture ?:?? (2000)
  24. Nation in Mourning ?:?? (2001)
  25. Nameless in Life, Faceless in Death ?:?? (2004)
  26. Credit Is The Opium Of The Masses ?:?? (2004)
  27. I Won't Let The Assholes Win ?:?? (2004)
  28. U-locked By The Neck To The Clinic Door 0:40 (30 Aug 2009)
  29. Prayer Breakfast 0:54 (30 Aug 2009)
  30. I'm About To Climb A Fucking Bell Tower With A Goddamn Sniper Rifle 0:36 (30 Aug 2009)
  31. Teen Angst 1:19 (30 Aug 2009)
  32. Pray For Peace, Kill For Christ 1:03 (30 Aug 2009)
  33. Face To Face 0:51 (30 Aug 2009)
  34. Burn Warehouse Burn 1:14 (30 Aug 2009)
  35. It's Not In Your Heart 1:08 (30 Aug 2009)
  36. Lleno De Gusto 0:46 (30 Aug 2009)
  37. Chew Your Leg Off 0:45 (30 Aug 2009)
  38. Worker Vs. Parasite (aka The Cihak Stomp) 0:53 (30 Aug 2009)
  39. 80s Teen Sex Flick 0:44 (30 Aug 2009)
  40. Christian Hardcore Is An Oxymoron 0:38 (30 Aug 2009)
  41. Clay Into Sparrows 0:39 (30 Aug 2009)
  42. Melt 0:46 (30 Aug 2009)
  43. Bring Me The Head Of Tony Victory 0:48 (30 Aug 2009)
  44. Hooray For The Unabomber 1:13 (30 Aug 2009)
  45. Voyeur At A Car Wreck 0:30 (30 Aug 2009)
  46. The Schlitz Malt Liquor Ball 0:49 (30 Aug 2009)
  47. Universal Product Code 0:58 (30 Aug 2009)
  48. Swept Under The Rug 0:45 (30 Aug 2009)
  49. My Rules 0:54 (30 Aug 2009)
  50. Killing For College Money 0:57 (30 Aug 2009)
All Recordings By Results >>

Credited as (5)

  1. MK-Ultra
  2. Los Crudos / MK-Ultra
  3. MK Ultra
  4. Mk Ultra
  5. MK-Ultra / Seein’ Red

Links (2)



Discography Pages
