豊住芳三郎 (1943 - )

Male Person - Japan

 Also known as (3)

Relationships (2)

Member Of

  1. 富樫雅彦とギルド・フォー・ヒューマン・ミュージック percussion, marimba
  2. Jazz Hijokaidan

On Recordings (31)


  1. Live at Earthdom, Tokyo. 27th December 2009. 23:10 非常階段 (22 Oct 2010)


  1. 風の来る予感 4:17 富樫雅彦 (Nov 1975) percussion
  2. さらなる出会い 12:16 富樫雅彦 (Nov 1975) percussion
  3. それから 2:11 富樫雅彦 (Nov 1975) percussion
  4. 身の上話 9:26 富樫雅彦 (Nov 1975) percussion
  5. 通りすきてゆくもの 7:25 富樫雅彦 (Nov 1975) percussion
  6. そしてまたくるもの 4:53 富樫雅彦 (Nov 1975) tom-tom
  7. インター・ポジ・プレイ・ション ?:?? 佐藤允彦, 吉原すみれ, 豊住芳三郎, 藤川義明, 森本恭正 (1979) drums (drum set)
  8. Extraction 19:04 高柳昌行 New Direction (25 Jan 1994) drums (drum set)
  9. Excavation 21:08 高柳昌行 New Direction (25 Jan 1994) drums (drum set)
  10. Intermittent 13:15 高柳昌行 New Direction (25 Jan 1994) drums (drum set)
  11. Two Strings Will Do It 10:50 灰野敬二, Barre Phillips & 豊住芳三郎 (25 Mar 1994) percussion
  12. Kôka 16:24 灰野敬二, Barre Phillips & 豊住芳三郎 (25 Mar 1994) percussion
  13. Death Of Rationalism 8:21 灰野敬二, Barre Phillips & 豊住芳三郎 (25 Mar 1994) percussion
  14. On Politic & Economy 12:45 灰野敬二, Barre Phillips & 豊住芳三郎 (25 Mar 1994) percussion
  15. Duo Improvisation 26:14 阿部薫 (1995) drums (drum set)
  16. Herdsman’s Pipe of Spain 21:28 高柳昌行 New Direction (1995) drums (drum set)
  17. Mass Projection 29:10 高柳昌行 New Direction (1995) drums (drum set)
  18. February 25, 1978 (3rd Set) ?:?? 阿部薫 & 豊住芳三郎 (2004) percussion, drums (drum set)
  19. April 15, 1978 (2nd Set) ?:?? 阿部薫 & 豊住芳三郎 (2004) percussion, drums (drum set)
  20. April 15, 1978 (1st Set) ?:?? 阿部薫 & 豊住芳三郎 (2004) percussion, drums (drum set)
  21. April 30, 1978 (1st Set) ?:?? 阿部薫 & 豊住芳三郎 (2004) percussion, drums (drum set)
  22. Backstroke Star 40:25 Jazz Hijokaidan (30 Sep 2012) membranophone
  23. Membrane System 2:31 Peter Brötzmann / Sabu Toyozumi (08 Sep 2023) drums (drum set)
  24. Peter & Sabu’s Points 6:55 Peter Brötzmann / Sabu Toyozumi (08 Sep 2023) drums (drum set)
  25. Spinal Column 7:21 Peter Brötzmann / Sabu Toyozumi (08 Sep 2023) drums (drum set)
  26. Toh-ro 8:00 Peter Brötzmann / Sabu Toyozumi (08 Sep 2023) drums (drum set)
  27. Yuh-ru Yuru 5:53 Peter Brötzmann / Sabu Toyozumi (08 Sep 2023) drums (drum set)
  28. Triangle 3:24 Peter Brötzmann / Sabu Toyozumi (08 Sep 2023) drums (drum set)
  29. Valentine Chocolate 4:29 Peter Brötzmann / Sabu Toyozumi (08 Sep 2023) drums (drum set)
  30. Depth of Focus 14:19 Peter Brötzmann / Sabu Toyozumi (08 Sep 2023) drums (drum set)

Credited as (26)

  1. Peter Brötzmann / Jason Adasiewicz / Sabu Toyozumi
  2. Tristan Honsinger, Toshinori Kondo, Peter Kowald, Sabu Toyozumi
  3. Bailey, Sabu, Brötzmann
  4. Arthur Doyle / Takashi Mizutani / Sabu Toyozumi
  5. Fred Frith, John Zorn, Onnyk & Toyozumi Yoshisaburo
  6. Arther Doyle W/ Mizutani, Sabu
  7. 灰野敬二, Barre Phillips & 豊住芳三郎
  8. Paul Rutherford & 豊住芳三郎
  9. Arthur Doyle W/ Mizutani, Sabu
  10. Kaoru Abe / Sabu Toyozumi
  11. 阿部薫 & 豊住芳三郎
  12. 佐藤允彦, 吉原すみれ, 豊住芳三郎, 藤川義明, 森本恭正
  13. LaoDan,Sabu Toyozumi,Hisaharu Teruuchi
  14. Sabu Toyozumi&Lao Dan
  15. Sabu Toyozumi,Lao Dan & Hisaharu Teruuchi
  16. Sabu Toyozumi and Lao Dan
  17. Sabu Toyozumi , Lao Dan & Hisaharu Teruuchi
  18. Sabu Toyozumi,Lao Dan,Hisaharu Teruuchi
  19. Sabu Toyozumi,Lao Dan and Hisaharu Teruuchi
  20. Sabu Toyozumi , Lao Dan and Hisaharu Teruuchi
  21. Kaoru Abe, Sabu Toyozumi
  22. 阿部薫 / 豊住芳三郎
  23. Sabu Toyozumi / Mototeru Takagi
  24. Wadada Leo Smith / Sabu Toyozumi
  25. Peter Brötzmann / Sabu Toyozumi
  26. Hayashi, Otomo, Toyozumi

Works (8)


  1. Spinal Column
  2. Toh-ro
  3. Yuh-ru Yuru
  4. Membrane System
  5. Triangle
  6. Valentine Chocolate
  7. Depth of Focus
  8. Peter & Sabu’s Points

Links (7)

Other Databases

  1. https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/sabu_toyozumi
  2. https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb16563672b


  1. https://www.songkick.com/artists/2080951


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/678132


  1. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0001893348


  1. http://viaf.org/viaf/229382881


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q7396469