Malcolm Stitt ( - )

Person -

Relationships (3)

Member Of

  1. Boys of the Lough (1998 - 2008)
  2. Deaf Shepherd
  3. Keep It Up

On Recordings (47)


  1. Scots Wha' Hae 4:55 David Paton (15 Aug 1997) bagpipe, tin whistle
  2. The Holy Fair 5:17 David Paton (15 Aug 1997) bagpipe, tin whistle
  3. Loch Lomond 6:16 David Paton (15 Aug 1997) bagpipe, tin whistle
  4. My Harry Was a Gallant Gay / A’ the Lads O’ Thornybank / The White Cockade 3:47 Wendy Weatherby (1998) bouzouki
  5. Awa’ Wi’ Your Witchcraft 2:00 Jim Malcolm (1998) bouzouki
  6. The Ploughman 2:19 Lesley Hale (1998) bouzouki
  7. One Night as I Did Wander / Out Over the Forth, I Look to the North 2:13 Lesley Hale (1998) tin whistle
  8. Contented Wi’ Little, and Cantie Wi’ Mair 1:33 John Morran (1998) bouzouki
  9. There Grows a Bonie Brier‐bush 2:52 Jim Malcolm (1998) bouzouki
  10. The Gloomy Night Is Gath’ring Fast 4:14 Corrina Hewat (1998) guitar
  11. The Small Birds Rejoice 3:10 Jim Malcolm (1998) tin whistle
  12. Dost Ask Me, Why I Send Thee Here / O Can Ye Labour Lea 3:17 Corrina Hewat (1998) bouzouki
  13. O, Whar Gat Ye That Hauver‐Meal Bannock? 2:50 Wendy Weatherby (1998) bouzouki
  14. Thou Hast Left Me Ever, Jamie / Let Not Woman E’er Complain / Gat Ye Me, O, Gat Ye Me 4:45 John Morran & Elspeth Cowie (1998) bouzouki
  15. There Was a Lass, They Ca’d Her Meg / Amang the Trees 2:10 Corrina Hewat (1998) bouzouki
  16. Glencoe / Sweetest May 3:42 John Morran (1998) bouzouki
  17. Braw, Braw Lads on Yarrow Braes 1:21 John Morran & Elspeth Cowie (1998) bouzouki
  18. Helen O’ Kirkconnel 4:04 John Morran (1999) bouzouki
  19. Tho’ Cruel Fate / She Is a Winsome Wee Thing 2:56 Alistair Hulett (1999) bouzouki
  20. Bonie Wee Thing 2:56 John Morran (1999) guitar
  21. From Thee, Eliza, I Must Go 3:07 John Morran (1999) bouzouki
  22. There’s a Youth in This City / Highland Laddie 3:41 Gillian MacDonald (1999) guitar, bouzouki
  23. The Wren’s Nest / John Come Kiss Me 3:20 Gillian MacDonald (1999) tin whistle, bouzouki
  24. As I Cam Down by Yon Castle Wa’ / My Lady’s Gown 6:00 Alistair Hulett (1999) bouzouki
  25. The Taylor 1:33 Gillian MacDonald (1999) bouzouki
  26. The Heather Was Blooming 2:36 Gillian MacDonald (1999) guitar
  27. And I’ll Kiss Thee Yet / In Comin’ By the Brig o’ Dye 4:13 John Morran (1999) bouzouki
  28. Ah Chloris Since It May Not Be / O My Luve’s Like a Red, Red Rose (Part Original Version) 1:50 Tich Frier (2002) bouzouki
  29. There Was a Bonie Lass / Does Haughty Gaul Invasion Threat? 2:31 John Nichol (2002) guitar
  30. Dire Was the Hate 2:06 Wendy Weatherby (2002) bouzouki
  31. O Bonie Was Yon Rosy Brier / O Lovely Polly Stewart 2:36 John Nichol (2002) guitar
  32. Yon Wild Mossy Mountains / O Saw Ye My Dearie? 6:12 Jim Reid (2002) bouzouki
  33. Fair the Face of Orient Day 3:13 Jim Reid (2002) bouzouki
  34. When Mary Cam Over the Border 1:47 Wendy Weatherby (2002) bouzouki
  35. O Stay / O Ay My Wife She Dang Me 2:34 John Nichol (2002) bouzouki
  36. My Love, She’s but a Lassie Yet 1:37 Jim Reid (2002) bouzouki
  37. On Cessnock Banks 4:25 John Nichol (2002) bouzouki
  38. The Taylor Fell Thro the Bed 1:17 John Nichol (2002) bouzouki
  39. Grim Grizzel / The Night 4:26 Tich Frier (2002) bouzouki
  40. Adown Winding Nith 4:04 John Nichol (2002) guitar, bouzouki
  41. O Sad and Heavy / Wilt Thou Be Our Deary 3:05 John Nichol (2002) guitar
  42. Stay, My Charmer 1:40 Tich Frier (2002) guitar
  43. In Edinburgh Town / Cock Up Your Beaver 2:25 Wendy Weatherby (2002) bouzouki
  44. The Sweet Sunny South 5:54 Norman & Nancy Blake, Boys of the Lough, James & Rachel Bryan (2009) guitar
  45. Castleberry's March 3:11 Norman & Nancy Blake, Boys of the Lough, James & Rachel Bryan (2009) guitar
  46. The Knife 4:45 Simon Campbell (31 Oct 2014) bouzouki
  47. Broken Man 3:51 Simon Campbell (31 Oct 2014) bouzouki

Credited as (4)

  1. Rory Campbell & Malcolm Stitt
  2. Anna-Wendy Stevenson with Malcolm Stitt
  3. Aidan O’Rourke with Malcolm Stitt
  4. Iain MacDonald & Malcolm Stitt

Links (1)

