Artificial Memory Trace ( - )

Male Person - Ireland

Releases (9)



  1. insekno 1994
  2. Vol. 5: Th Ality Absfract 1996
  3. Volume 9: Distori (Noah) 1998
  4. CyclOcean 2002
  5. Paraexpanzin + Sonafon 2005
  6. Boto [Encantado] 11 Dec 2011
  7. Attracted by Light (Collection 7) 2013
  8. Garig Gunak Barlu (AustralOpus 1) 27 Mar 2014
  9. Boto (Encantado) 05 Dec 2019

Relationships (1)

Performance Name Of

  1. Slavek Kwi

Recordings by (132)

  1. Transpositions_intermix Diurnal Sound_field 2:34 (1994)
  2. Urban/Under Tree After Rain 2:02 (1994)
  3. In Field, Very Hot 1:11 (1994)
  4. Glade in Middle of Pine_forest 0:54 (1994)
  5. Glade (Electric Insects) 2:05 (1994)
  6. The Edge of Forest 1:44 (1994)
  7. In Trees Before Thunder 3:04 (1994)
  8. Wet Meadow 12:23 (1994)
  9. Detail 0:59 (1994)
  10. Dry Field Near Lake 5:00 (1994)
  11. In High Grass Near Lake 2:11 (1994)
  12. Near Road, Close to Lake (Oxygen Machine for Fish) 0:59 (1994)
  13. Near Lake (+Oxygen Machine) 0:59 (1994)
  14. On the Shore of Lake (+Jumping Fish) 0:59 (1994)
  15. Bushes (Cycle) 0:12 (1994)
  16. Wet Meadow (+Hawk) 0:25 (1994)
  17. Potato Field 1:00 (1994)
  18. In Field Near Fire (Zooms) 1:24 (1994)
  19. Solo in Trees 1:46 (1994)
  20. Transposition-Chain 1:40 (1994)
  21. Top of Anthill 4:59 (1994)
  22. Inside Beehive 14:00 (1994)
  23. Mseam 12:03 (1996)
  24. Hyprek 4:52 (1996)
  25. Boefo 7:01 (1996)
  26. Yncup 7:47 (1996)
  27. Ocowee 2:29 (1996)
  28. CinDJe 3:46 (1996)
  29. Rinawo 4:17 (1996)
  30. Wasmas 5:54 (1996)
  31. Braactif 6:30 (1996)
  32. Keteok 5:02 (1996)
  33. Droem 9:51 (1996)
  34. Edge 7:24 (1996)
  35. Äwron, Parts 1 & 2 6:57 (1997)
  36. Skeletune(s) 12:51 (1998)
  37. Makanik Mrak (Cloud I.) 2:47 (1998)
  38. Elekreon (Insekt Raga) 5:05 (1998)
  39. Ppp-Petrus 7:11 (1998)
  40. Monokrom I.(A) 1:14 (1998)
  41. Monokrom I.(B) - III. 9:22 (1998)
  42. Tribus (Cloud II.) 3:15 (1998)
  43. Foma (Soap-Foam in Zoom) 3:22 (1998)
  44. Bowlok (Circus Expandora) 9:19 (1998)
  45. Krakaor (Crunch) 1:39 (1998)
  46. Fisilpao (Nostalgy Randomized by Hardisc Error) 3:38 (1998)
  47. Noktau (Residues of Ritmax Asimetra) 7:42 (1998)
  48. Aurorah 6:29 (1998)
  49. [untitled] ?:?? (1998)
  50. Chrozoom 3:40 (1999)
All Recordings By Results >>

Credited as (11)

  1. Artificial Memory Trace
  2. Brume & Artificial Memory Trace
  3. Slavek Kwi / Artificial Memory Trace
  4. AMT
  5. Tarab + Artificial Memory Trace
  6. Porya Hatami feat. Artificial Memory Trace
  7. artificial Memory trace
  8. Instinct Primal, PBK, AMT
  9. PBK, AMT
  10. PBK, Gates of Janus, Instinct Primal, AMT
  11. PBK, Gates of Janus, Instinct Primal, Artificial Memory Trace

Links (6)

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