Kraig Martin ( - )

Male Person -

 Also known as (2)

Relationships (2)

Performs As

  1. Special K

Member Of

  1. The Untouchables

On Recordings (8)


  1. Millitant Dub 5:46 The Untouchables & Mental Forces (28 Nov 2011)
  2. Curse of the Mutants 4:56 The Untouchables (04 Jun 2015) co
  3. Septimus 6:15 The Untouchables (04 Jun 2015) co
  4. Separate Reality 6:03 The Untouchables & Resound (29 Jan 2016)
  5. Mystic Arts 5:18 The Untouchables & Resound (29 Jan 2016)
  6. The Beast 5:16 The Untouchables (29 Jan 2016)
  7. Devourer of World 5:13 The Untouchables (29 Jan 2016)
  8. Baiana 6:09 The Untouchables (26 Jul 2019)

Works (8)


  1. Separate Reality
  2. Mystic Arts
  3. Devourer of World
  4. Curse of the Mutants
  5. Septimus
  6. Baiana
  7. Millitant Dub
  8. The Beast

Links (1)

