Clem Waldmann ( - )

Male Person - United States

Relationships (2)

Member Of

  1. Ui (1990 - 2010) original, membranophone
  2. Miracle Room

On Recordings (9)


  1. Rods and Cones 5:57 Blue Man Group (07 Dec 1999) membranophone
  2. Mink Car 2:09 They Might Be Giants feat. Jim O’Conner (Jun 2001) triangle, drums (drum set)
  3. Exhibit 13 / Mandelbrot, No. 4 8:50 Blue Man Group (22 Apr 2003) additional, membranophone
  4. Time to Start 3:43 Blue Man Group (22 Apr 2003) additional, membranophone
  5. Your Attention 4:09 Blue Man Group (22 Apr 2003) additional, membranophone
  6. Bling Blang 1:58 Elizabeth Mitchell (2012) body percussion
  7. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 1:42 Elizabeth Mitchell (2012) drums (drum set)
  8. Little Seed 3:25 Elizabeth Mitchell (2012) drums (drum set)
  9. Rattle My Rattle 1:26 Elizabeth Mitchell (2012) percussion

Links (2)

