Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou (12 Dec 1923 - 26 Mar 2023)

Female Person - Ethiopia

 Also known as (1)

Releases (9)



  1. Der Sang des Meeres 1963
  2. Spielt eigene Kompositionen 1967 (as Tsege Mariam Gebru)
  3. The Hymn Of Jerusalem 1970 (as Emahoy Tsegue-Mariam Gabru)
  4. Yet My King Is From Old 1972 (as Emahoy Tsegue-Mariam Gabru)

Album - Compilation

  1. Éthiopiques 21: Piano Solo 2006
  2. The Visionary 2012 (as Emahoy Tsegué Mariam Guèbru)
  3. Emahoy Tsege Mariam Gebru 01 Jul 2022 (as Emahoy Tsege Mariam Gebru)
  4. Jerusalem 14 Apr 2023 (as Emahoy Tsege-Mariam Gebru)
  5. Souvenirs 23 Feb 2024

Recordings by (75)

  1. Mother's Love ?:?? (1963)
  2. Ballad Of The Spirits ?:?? (1963)
  3. The Song of the Sea ?:?? (1963)
  4. Homesickness ?:?? (1963)
  5. Der heimatlose Wanderer ?:?? (1967)
  6. Die letzte Träne eines Toten ?:?? (1967)
  7. Klage eines jungen Mädchens ?:?? (1967)
  8. Das verrückte Lachen ?:?? (1967)
  9. Ahnung ?:?? (1967)
  10. Golgotha ?:?? (1970)
  11. The Jordan River Song ?:?? (1970)
  12. The Garden Of Gethesemanie ?:?? (1970)
  13. Allegretto ?:?? (1970)
  14. The Home of Beethoven 3:51 (1970)
  15. Jerusalem 5:29 (1970)
  16. Aurora 1:58 (1970)
  17. MESBAK. Yet my King is from old (Ps. 74:12–13) ?:?? (1972)
  18. From Thy Side... ?:?? (1972)
  19. Behold the Cross! ?:?? (1972)
  20. Believe in Me... ?:?? (1972)
  21. Ave Maria (Parts 1–2) ?:?? (1972)
  22. Spring Ode – Meskerem (Organ) ?:?? (1972)
  23. Via dolorosa, XIth Station of the Cross ?:?? (1972)
  24. Prayer for Peace (Ps. 122) ?:?? (1972)
  25. Mother’s Love 3:38 (2006)
  26. The Homeless Wanderer 7:05 (2006)
  27. The Last Tears of a Deceased 8:29 (2006)
  28. A Young Girl’s Complaint 6:11 (2006)
  29. The Mad Man’s Laughter 3:58 (2006)
  30. Presentiment 3:40 (2006)
  31. Golgotha 5:11 (2006)
  32. The Jordan River Song 2:38 (2006)
  33. The Garden of Gethesemanie 3:25 (2006)
  34. The Song of Abayi 3:13 (2006)
  35. The Story of the Wind 2:47 (2006)
  36. Evening Breeze 2:52 (2006)
  37. Tenkou! Why We Feel Sorry? 2:04 (2006)
  38. Mother’s Love 3:36 (02 Nov 2010)
  39. The Jordan River Song 2:36 (03 Oct 2011)
  40. The Homeless Wanderer 7:04 (2012)
  41. The Last Tears of the Deceased 8:25 (2012)
  42. A Young Girls Complaint 6:09 (2012)
  43. The Mad Man’s Laughter 3:56 (2012)
  44. Presentiment 3:42 (2012)
  45. Homage to Ludwig Beethoven 3:45 (2012)
  46. Jerusalem 5:11 (2012)
  47. The Phantom 7:31 (2012)
  48. Reverie 7:01 (2012)
  49. Quo Vadis 10:42 (2012)
  50. Ave Maria 2:28 (2012)
All Recordings By Results >>

Credited as (11)

  1. Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou
  2. Emahoy Tsegué-Maryal Guèbrou
  3. Tsegue‐Maryam Guebrou
  4. Emahoy Tsegué‐Maryam Guèbrou
  5. Emahoy Tsege Mariam Gebru
  6. Tsege Mariam Gebru
  7. Emahoy Tsegue-Mariam Gabru
  8. Emahoy Tsegué Mariam Guèbru
  9. Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou
  10. Emahoy Tsege-Mariam Gebru
  11. Emahoy Tsegué & Maryam Guébrou

Works (1)


  1. Motherʼs Love

Links (25)

Official Homepages

  1. http://www.emahoymusicfoundation.org/
  2. https://www.emahoymusicpublisher.com/

Other Databases

  1. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n2010029549
  2. https://www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n2010029549/
  3. https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb15047433f
  4. https://d-nb.info/gnd/1104947765


  1. https://www.last.fm/music/Emahoy+Tsegu%C3%A9-Maryam+Gu%C3%A8brou/+wiki


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/6038009


  1. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0001894433


  1. http://viaf.org/viaf/17508507


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q16866345

Stream For Free

  1. https://open.spotify.com/artist/60dGQhPhXKiu2wsWYtCNlz

Purchase Music For Mail-Order

  1. https://www.emahoymusicpublisher.com/


  1. https://emahoytsegemariamgebru.bandcamp.com/

Streaming Page

  1. https://www.qobuz.com/us-en/interpreter/emahoy-tsege-mariam-gebru/13456611
  2. https://tidal.com/artist/31402519
  3. https://music.apple.com/us/artist/1616517649
  4. https://music.amazon.com/artists/B09WNFCSJ5

Social Networking

  1. https://www.instagram.com/emahoytsegemariammusic/
  2. https://www.linkedin.com/in/emahoymusicfoundation
  3. https://www.facebook.com/Emahoy.Tsegue.Maryam
  4. https://twitter.com/EmahoyGuebrou
  5. https://www.linkedin.com/company/emahoytsegemariammusic


  1. https://soundcloud.com/emahoytsegemariamgebru

Youtube Channels

  1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7GjtRYJipGIEwg6MtyPOJA