Anders Dohn ( - )

Male Person - Denmark

On Recordings (49)


  1. Seqineq 4:24 Piitsukkut (Feb 2000)
  2. Nassuttuumut 4:24 Piitsukkut ()
  3. Kingulitta Nunassaraat 4:36 Piitsukkut ()
  4. Nammineq Pitsinnik 4:21 Piitsukkut ()
  5. Angalaarusunneq 4:25 Piitsukkut ()
  6. Silaannarissumi Inuugatta 4:13 Piitsukkut ()
  7. Palasi 7:49 Piitsukkut ()
  8. Aasiviup Kalattuna 2:31 Piitsukkut ()
  9. Inuiaat Naqisimaneqartugut Kattutta 3:13 Piitsukkut ()
  10. Kinaanermik Katatsiffik 3:53 Piitsukkut ()
  11. Nammineq Inuullunga 3:54 Piitsukkut ()


  1. Fun Dance Song 1:01 McKenzie Delta Drummers and Dancers (1992)
  2. Drum Song 1:46 Taatsiannguaraatsiaq qaanngaaq (1992)
  3. Song Of A Name (for a boy) 1:21 Throat chanters of Povungnituk (1992)
  4. Sayuun 1:06 Wainright drummers and dancers (1992)
  5. Sound of Wind 1:16 Throat chanters of Povungnituk (1992)
  6. Story of a Goose 1:02 Throat chanters of Povungnituk (1992)
  7. Motion Dance Song 1:05 McKenzie Delta Drummers and Dancers (1992)
  8. Motion Dance Song 1:34 Kotzebue northern light drummers and dancers (1992)
  9. Common Dance Song 0:58 McKenzie Delta Drummers and Dancers (1992)
  10. Throat Song 1:27 Throat chanters of Povungnituk (1992)
  11. The Song That Is Faster Than Original Songs 1:49 McKenzie Delta Drummers and Dancers (1992)
  12. Paglan - Sayuun 2:04 Wainright drummers and dancers (1992)
  13. Common And Fun Dance Song 2:43 Kotzebue northern light drummers and dancers (1992)
  14. Sound of a Goose 0:56 Throat chanters of Povungnituk (1992)
  15. No Hope = No Fear (live) 4:16 Soulfly (21 Jan 1999)
  16. Bumba (live) 3:27 Soulfly (21 Jan 1999)
  17. Bleed (live) 4:35 Soulfly (19 Oct 1999)
  18. The Song Remains Insane (live) 2:20 Soulfly (19 Oct 1999)
  19. The Skank Heads (live) 3:12 Skunk Anansie (25 Oct 1999)
  20. Hedonism (Just Because You Feel Good) (live) 3:53 Skunk Anansie (25 Oct 1999)
  21. Eye for an Eye (live) 3:50 Soulfly (21 Sep 2000)
  22. Tribe (live) 6:24 Soulfly (21 Sep 2000)
  23. Water Solo 9:07 Trilok Gurtu (10 Sep 2007)

Recording Engineer For

  1. Drum Song 1:46 Taatsiannguaraatsiaq qaanngaaq (1992)
  2. Sound of Wind 1:16 Throat chanters of Povungnituk (1992)
  3. Song Of A Name (for a boy) 1:21 Throat chanters of Povungnituk (1992)
  4. The Song That Is Faster Than Original Songs 1:49 McKenzie Delta Drummers and Dancers (1992)
  5. Throat Song 1:27 Throat chanters of Povungnituk (1992)
  6. Paglan - Sayuun 2:04 Wainright drummers and dancers (1992)
  7. Motion Dance Song 1:05 McKenzie Delta Drummers and Dancers (1992)
  8. Sound of a Goose 0:56 Throat chanters of Povungnituk (1992)
  9. Common And Fun Dance Song 2:43 Kotzebue northern light drummers and dancers (1992)
  10. Motion Dance Song 1:34 Kotzebue northern light drummers and dancers (1992)
  11. Fun Dance Song 1:01 McKenzie Delta Drummers and Dancers (1992)
  12. Common Dance Song 0:58 McKenzie Delta Drummers and Dancers (1992)
  13. Sayuun 1:06 Wainright drummers and dancers (1992)
  14. Story of a Goose 1:02 Throat chanters of Povungnituk (1992)
  15. Nammineq Pitsinnik 4:21 Piitsukkut ()

Credited as (1)

  1. Bjarne Jess Hansen & Anders Dohn

Works (11)


  1. Ved den mørke flod
  2. Hvem i ilden
  3. Her og nu
  4. Susan
  5. Du ved hvem jeg er
  6. Fugl på en snor
  7. Pergament Hotel
  8. For skønheds skyld
  9. Lukketid
  10. Din gamle blå frakke
  11. Alle ved besked

Links (2)



