Unicorn Hole ( - )

Male Person - Lexington

Releases (8)



  1. Twenty Pieces O' Shit From Twenty O' Seven 2007
  2. Squadilah, We Are Off! 2009
  3. Legend of the Light Gem 26 May 2017


  1. A Very, Very Manditarily Merry Umas 2008
  2. Some Songs 14 Oct 2014
  3. Multiplayer 24 Jul 2023
  4. Songs Unsung Round 3 01 Sep 2023
  5. Midi Instrument Number Seventy-Nine of Time

Recordings by (122)

  1. 13 Million BC the Wheel 1928 Sliced Bread 1998 the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Bitch 0:31 (2007)
  2. Because You're a Booger Eating Poopie Pants That's Why 0:29 (2007)
  3. For the Love of All That Is Holy Please Discipline Your Children and by Discipline I Mean Kill 0:26 (2007)
  4. I Hope All My Victims' Bodies Are Biodegradable Because Littering Is Bad 0:26 (2007)
  5. I Was Going to Think of a Funny Song Title but Then I Uh... Didn't 0:25 (2007)
  6. If You Think I Got the Lyrics to This Song From the Back of the Metroid Prime Box You Are... 0:27 (2007)
  7. It Ain't Over Till I Say It's Over... Okay It's Over 0:27 (2007)
  8. It's 10:07 and It Smells Like Piss 0:25 (2007)
  9. It's Not Like This Song Deserves a Name Anyway 0:27 (2007)
  10. Now You Know What Sex With a Gopher Sounds Like 0:24 (2007)
  11. Pies de Los Muertos (The Sad, Sad Tale of Meat Feet) 0:24 (2007)
  12. Pink Robot Dinosaur Penguin Toaster (You're Gay) 0:28 (2007)
  13. Silly Rabbit Trix Are for Kids and If You Touch Them Again I Swear to God I Will Fucking End You 0:29 (2007)
  14. So They Found a Cure for Herpes, It's Called Stop Being a Filthy Whore 0:26 (2007)
  15. The Children's Souls Are in the Grass 0:30 (2007)
  16. This Song Is About as Long as My Penis 0:30 (2007)
  17. Throw Some Brees on It 0:30 (2007)
  18. To Really Enjoy This Song Turn the Volume All the Way Down and Imagine Something Nice 0:25 (2007)
  19. Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B a Start 0:28 (2007)
  20. Warning: This Song May Contain Peanuts 0:27 (2007)
  21. A Very, Very Manditarily Merry Umas to You All ?:?? (2008)
  22. We Wish You a Merry Christmas (And By a Merry Christmas I Mean Would Stop Singing) ?:?? (2008)
  23. Because Satan’s Dreaming of a Blackened Christmas This Year ?:?? (2008)
  24. Christmas Isn’t About Family, It’s About You Buying Me Shit ?:?? (2008)
  25. Can You Find the Hidden Vocals in This Song (Hint They Don’t Exist) ?:?? (2008)
  26. Santa Is Coming (Hide the Children Before It’s Too Late) ?:?? (2008)
  27. The North Pole Never Had a Civil Rights Movement ?:?? (2008)
  28. Kids These Days Would Punch a Nun for Just a Handfull of Crack ?:?? (2008)
  29. Squadilah, We Are Off! 0:30 (2009)
  30. If You're Listening to This Song on an I-Pod, Get a Zune 0:30 (2009)
  31. If You're Listening to This Song on a Disk, Throw It in the Microwave for Some Extra Fun 0:30 (2009)
  32. If You're Listening to This Song at All, What the Hell Is Your Problem? 0:30 (2009)
  33. If the Lyrics to This Song Are on the Back of the Metriod Prime Box, It's a Coincidence, I Swear 0:30 (2009)
  34. I Hope All My Victim's Bodies Are Biodegradable Because Littering Is Bad 0:30 (2009)
  35. A 10-And-A-Half Year Old Trapped in an 11-Year-Old's Body 0:30 (2009)
  36. I'd Tap That (And by "That" I Mean the First Guitar Riff in This Song) 0:30 (2009)
  37. Does This Rag Smell Like Cloroform to You? 0:30 (2009)
  38. 3 Million BC the Wheel 1928 Sliced Bread 1998 the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Bitch 0:30 (2009)
  39. The Inner Workings of a Phallic Extrusion 0:30 (2009)
  40. For the Love of All That Is Holy Please Discipline Your Children and by Discipline I Mean Abuse 0:30 (2009)
  41. Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo 0:30 (2009)
  42. I Like My Women Like I Like My Slinkies: Tumbling Down a Staircase 0:30 (2009)
  43. 300 Beats Per Minute, and to the Groin Mostly 0:30 (2009)
  44. Another Song on This (CD) 0:30 (2009)
  45. To Really Enjoy This Song Turn the Volume Down All the Way and Imagine Something Nice 0:30 (2009)
  46. Customers Who Purchase Andy Milonakis Season One May Also Like a Cucumber and Some Ass Lube 0:30 (2009)
  47. I Seem to Have Lost My Number, Will You Have Sex With Me? 0:30 (2009)
  48. Blast This Shit in a Parking Lot for Instant Glorification 0:30 (2009)
  49. Degrading Women Is No Joke. Haha, Get It? 0:30 (2009)
  50. It's Sad When This Isn't the Longest Song Title on The (CD) 0:30 (2009)
All Recordings By Results >>

Credited as (9)

  1. Unicorn Hole
  2. Weekly Words and Grammar feat. Unicorn Hole
  3. Unicorn Hole and Poopmaster
  4. Shotgun Guy ft. John Nelson
  5. Polygon Horizon feat. Unicorn Hole
  6. Go:Eskimo & Unicorn Hole
  7. Unicorn Hole & ZOMBIESHARK!
  8. Cheerleader Concubine ft. John / Unicorn Hole
  9. Anti-PizzaBoy & Unicorn Hole

Links (11)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/7348115
  2. https://www.discogs.com/artist/4086012

Stream For Free

  1. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5U4cI8yXvxVvFFnORlt5Cx

Purchase Music For Mail-Order

  1. https://unicornhole.bigcartel.com/


  1. https://unicornhole.bandcamp.com/


  1. https://southcarolinavoyager.com/interview/daily-inspiration-meet-unicorn-hole/

Patronage Page

  1. https://www.patreon.com/unicornhole

Social Networking

  1. https://www.instagram.com/uholeband/
  2. https://www.facebook.com/unicornhole


  1. https://soundcloud.com/uhole

Youtube Channels

  1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4rdVdbITTSFXdPIV87UujA